Relying on the Holy Ghost for Guidance

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26)

As we walk the road of mortality, our existence unfolds like a story with many different themes, experiences, choices, and encounters. In the middle of our journey, we encounter numerous decisions, challenges, and trials that shape the course of our lives. Yet, during this difficult journey, we are certainly not left to face life’s challenges alone. Divinely bestowed upon us is the sacred gift of the Holy Ghost, a celestial companion whose gentle presence serves as a warm, guiding light in life’s darkest moments. We should not think of the Holy Ghost, also known as the Comforter, as merely a fleeting visitor but a constant guide, a steadfast friend who walks beside us through the valleys and peaks of mortality. In times of uncertainty, when that path ahead of us seems obscured by the shadows of doubt, the Holy Ghost stands as a guiding compass, illuminating the way with bright clarity. Through its whispers to our souls, we are offered insights beyond mortal comprehension, nudging us towards righteousness and truth.

As the source of deep comfort, offering solace in moments of sorrow and distress. Its tender mercies embrace our troubled hearts, bringing peace that surpasses all understanding. When the burdens of our mortality weigh heavily upon us, the Holy Ghost extends its loving arms, providing a sanctuary of rest and reassurance. Not only does the Holy Ghost guide and comfort, but it also serves as a teacher of profound wisdom. Through its gentle promptings, we are enlightened with spiritual knowledge and understanding, unravelling the mysteries of Heavenly Father’s plans behind our earthly sojourn. Its teachings connect within our souls, inspiring us to live lives of virtue, integrity, and compassion.

Jesus’ Promise of the Comforter and Teacher

Again, I would like to quote Jesus when he said: “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” These words spoken by the Saviour to His disciples have a special significance and an eternal promise. In this passage, we find comforting assurance from the lips of the Master Himself, a promise of divine guidance and enlightenment that transcends all bounds of human understanding. The Saviour’s words are not only words of comfort for His immediate followers of the first century A.D. They are a testament to the unchanging nature of God’s love and provision for His children throughout the ages, including each of us today.

In our Lord’s promise, we find layers with a meaning that is far-reaching and that illuminate the role of the Holy Ghost in our lives. For example, the title “Comforter” itself speaks volumes about His nature. The Holy Ghost is not a distant observer but a compassionate presence, ready to console and uplift us in times of trial and tribulation. Like a soothing balm to our wounded souls, the Holy Ghost offers comfort that transcends the limitations of mortal understanding. (cf. Moroni 8:26)

Additionally, the promise of teaching encompasses a vast expanse of knowledge and wisdom. The Holy Ghost, as the ultimate source of truth, stands ready to impart understanding and insight that goes beyond our human intellect. Through its divine tutorship, we are led into the depths of spiritual understanding, unlocking the mysteries of the universe and our place within it.

The phrase “all things” in Jesus’ promise is all-encompassing. It speaks to the breadth and depth of the Holy Ghost’s teaching ministry. There is no aspect of our lives, whether spiritual or temporal, that falls outside the purview of its instruction. From the loftiest principles of the Gospel to the practicalities of daily living, the Holy Ghost is our guide and instructor, ever ready to lead us along the path of righteousness.

The promise to “bring all things to your remembrance” is a witness to the Holy Ghost’s role in aiding our recollection of sacred truths. In our human frailty, we are prone to forgetfulness and distraction. Yet, through the Holy Ghost’s gentle reminders, we are guided back to the teachings of Christ, ensuring that His words remain etched upon our hearts and minds.

As we ponder Christ’s words, let us take comfort in the knowledge that the promise of the Holy Ghost is a present reality. It is a promise that each one of us can claim today, inviting the Spirit into our lives to guide, comfort, teach, and remind us of the words and example of our beloved Saviour.

The Example of Nephi

In the Book of Mormon, we are privileged to journey alongside Nephi, a valiant and faithful disciple of the Lord. His unwavering trust in the guidance of the Spirit serves as an example and inspiration for all who seek to follow the path of righteousness. The account of Nephi’s mission to obtain the brass plates from Laban is a testament to his faith and reliance on the Spirit. Confronted with a daunting task that seemed insurmountable by human standards, Nephi’s response echoed with strong determination and unyielding faith: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” (1 Nephi 3:7)

In his declaration, we witness the essence of Nephi’s character—a soul in line with the will of the Lord, steadfast in his obedience, and unwavering in his trust. His words capture a truth that reverberates throughout centuries: the Lord does not issue commands without providing the means for their fulfilment. Nephi’s declaration is more than a simple statement of personal resolve; rather, it is a universal principle that applies to each of us. The Lord, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, has not left His children to grope blindly through the valley of darkness that shroud humanity’s existence. Instead, He has endowed us with a sure and steadfast guide—the Holy Ghost.

As we continue to be bombarded with difficult decisions, challenges, and responsibilities that often seem overwhelming, we can take solace in the knowledge that we are not alone. The Holy Ghost stands ready to be our constant companion, whispering words of guidance, comfort, and wisdom to our souls. Whether it be in the quiet moments of personal reflection, the challenges we encounter within our families, or our duties and callings within the Church, the Spirit is ever-present, ever-willing to lead us along the path that leads back to our Heavenly Father.

Just as Nephi trusted in the whisperings of the Spirit to guide him to the brass plates, we too can place our trust in this divine companion. As we seek earnestly for guidance, with hearts open and willing to receive, the Spirit will manifest truth to us, enlightening our minds and confirming the proper path that we should follow.

Let us look to the example of Nephi, whose unwavering faith and reliance on the Spirit enabled him to accomplish the seemingly impossible. As we emulate his trust in the Lord, in his obedience to the Commandments, and his willingness to act in faith, we too can find the strength and guidance we need to meet our challenges head on and ultimately return to the presence of our loving Heavenly Father.

The Still Small Voice

I am reminded of something that President Boyd K. Packer, former president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, once taught: “The Holy Ghost speaks with a voice that you feel more than you hear. It is described as a ‘still small voice.’”* This still small voice can bring comfort in times of distress, peace in times of turmoil, and clarity in times of confusion.

How then do we recognise and follow this divine guidance? It requires effort on our part. We must cultivate an environment in our lives where the Spirit can dwell. This includes regular prayer, scripture study, service to others, obedience to the Commandments, and regular attendance at church meetings if physically possible. As we engage in these activities with sincerity and humility, our hearts become more in line with the promptings of the Spirit.

“Walk in the Spirit”

The unfailing counsel of the Apostle Paul invites us to “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). These simple yet significant words capture a fundamental principle of discipleship—a call to not only listen but also to act upon the promptings we receive from the Holy Ghost. To “walk in the Spirit” is to live our lives in harmony with Heavenly Father’s will, guided by the promptings and inspirations of the Holy Ghost. It is a continuous journey of faith and obedience, where we strive to align our thoughts, words, and deeds with the teachings of the Gospel.

The Holy Ghost, as our constant companion, is always ready to lead us along the path of truth and righteousness. Through its gentle whisperings to our hearts and minds, we are enlightened with understanding, comforted in times of need, and guided towards choices that will bring us closer to Heavenly Father. However, the act of “walking in the Spirit” requires more than passive reception of these promptings. It necessitates active participation on our part—a willingness to heed the promptings we receive and to act upon them with faith.

In our earthly walk, the Holy Ghost acts as both guide and teacher. It illuminates the path before us, showing us the way we should go. Yet, it also requires our willingness to take the steps, to move forward with trust and confidence in the divine guidance we receive. As we cultivate a sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit, our hearts and minds become attuned to its gentle nudges. We learn to discern between the promptings of the Spirit and the distractions of the world, recognising the voice of truth amidst the clamour of competing voices.

To “walk in the Spirit” is to take ship on a journey of discipleship marked by faith, obedience, and humility. It is a journey where we relinquish our own will to make sure that our footsteps are in accordance with the will of our Heavenly Father, trusting that His path is one of greater wisdom and love. Even though we will encounter challenges and uncertainties, if we walk in faith, the Spirit will be our constant companion, guiding us through the trials and tribulations of life. Our actions become a reflection of our commitment to follow the Saviour, our steps guided by the promptings of the Spirit.

Thus, to “walk in the Spirit” is to walk in the light of Christ, allowing His love and grace to permeate every aspect of our lives. It is a path of discipleship marked by trust, obedience, and an unwavering commitment to follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost. As we heed the counsel of the Apostle Paul and strive to “walk in the Spirit,” we draw nearer to God and experience the peace and joy that come from living according to His divine will.

Elder David A. Bednar taught: “As you appropriately seek for and apply unto the spirit of revelation, I promise you will ‘walk in the light of the Lord’ (Isaiah 2:5; 2 Nephi 12:5).”1 This promise is sure. As we seek guidance from the Holy Ghost, we will walk in the light, even in a world that grows increasingly dark.


We should never underestimate the power and influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives. He is a constant companion, a source of light and truth. May each one of us heed the words of the Saviour when He said, “The Comforter… shall teach you all things.” As we rely on the Spirit, we will find peace, direction, and ultimately, our way back to our Heavenly Father.

I bear witness of the reality of the Holy Ghost and the Spirit’s role in our lives. I pray that I may strive each day to live worthy of the Spirit’s companionship, that I, and in fact, all of us, may be guided in all our righteous endeavours, with all glory to God. In the Jesus Christ, amen.

* President Boyd K. Packer delivers a message titled “Personal Revelation: The Gift, the Test, and the Promise.”

1 The Spirit of Revelation, by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

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