Morning Prayer

Our Father in heaven, as we begin this new day, we come before Thee with hearts full of joy for the gift of life and the opportunity to greet the dawn once again. We thank Thee for the restful night that has refreshed our bodies and minds.

Please be with us throughout this day, guiding our thoughts, words, and actions. Grant us wisdom, strength, and patience to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Help us to live this day with purpose and intention, making choices that are in accordance with Thy will. May our actions reflect love, kindness, and compassion towards all of Thy children.

We ask for Thy protection and safety as we go about our daily activities, both at home and in the world. Keep us from harm, and help us to be vigilant in our efforts to protect and care for one another.

Heavenly Father, we seek Thy Spirit to be with us, that we may be more attuned to Thy promptings and inspired in our endeavours. Grant us the clarity of mind to make decisions that honour Thee.

As we face the challenges and uncertainties of this day, may we find strength and solace in our faith in Thy promises. Help us to rely on the Atonement for forgiveness, healing, and the grace we need.

Bless our loved ones, our friends, and all those we encounter today. May our interactions with everyone bring light and love into their lives.

We express our gratitude for the blessings of this day, and we offer our will to be in accord with Thine. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, amen.