Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas Through Advent

As we approach the season of Advent (December 1-24), I find myself reflecting on how I might better prepare my heart for Christmas—a season not just of celebration, but of spiritual renewal and deepened devotion. Advent, a time of anticipation and reflection, offers us a sacred opportunity to focus on the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and to prepare our hearts to receive Him more fully. It is not merely about counting down days on a calendar, but about deepening our connection to Him and the gifts He brings into our lives. Continue reading

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Grateful in All Things

In this season of Thanksgiving, we gather as families, friends and individuals, not only to give thanks for the abundance around us but also to remind ourselves of the simple blessings that sometimes go unnoticed. Not only is gratitude a response to good things, it is a reflection of our faith and our trust in Heavenly Father. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul admonishes us, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) This verse is referring to the kind of gratitude that is not dependent on circumstances. Rather, it invites us to look beyond what is happening around us and instead focus on the enduring mercies of our Heavenly Father.
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Developing Spiritual Initiative and Faith

The interaction between our personal agency and God’s divine will is a central theme throughout the Scriptures. While God’s wisdom and plans are infinitely beyond our own, He actively encourages us to develop our capacity for independent thought, creativity, and problem-solving, even as we strive to submit to His will. The story of Jared and his brother, particularly in their journey to the Promised Land, demonstrates this balance between divine guidance and human agency. In many ways, it is a call for each of us to embrace our role as co-creators in God’s divine plan, learning to think, act, and choose as we seek to align ourselves with His purposes.

In the book of Ether, Jared and his brother feel inspired to travel to a new land that is described as “choice above all the earth.” The initial spark for this journey seems to come from Jared, who entreats his brother to ask the Lord for guidance. When his brother prays, the Lord grants the request, saying, “Thus I will do unto thee because this long time ye have cried unto me.” (Ether 1:38–43) Here, the Lord responds not only to a faithful petition but to the proactive idea of Jared, affirming the value of a righteous initiative brought before Him.
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Finding Help with Spiritual Problems

In our mortal journey, spiritual struggles are inevitable. Challenges may range from doubts about our faith, feelings of unworthiness, or difficulty discerning God’s will. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we are blessed with resources that offer divine guidance. These resources include the Scriptures, the teachings of prophets, and the direct connection we can establish with Heavenly Father through prayer. In this article, I want to explore how the Bible and the Book of Mormon illuminate the path to overcome spiritual difficulties.

The first and most vital source of help for spiritual problems is God Himself. Our Saviour taught, “Say unto them, Ask of God; ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (Matthew 7:7/7:12 Inspired Version). This promise assures us that as we seek Him with sincerity and faith, He will guide us through the challenges we face. Similarly, the Book of Mormon reiterates the power of prayer and fasting in Alma’s example: “I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself” (Alma 5:46). This account teaches us that answers often come after earnest seeking. Remember the admonishment of James in his epistle where he wrote: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (1:5)
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Liahona Highlights – “The Triumph of Hope”

The November issue of Liahona (conference edition) has a conference talk titled “The Triumph of Hope.” I especially enjoyed this talk and have shared it with family members. The article imparts some very significant lessons on hope in Jesus Christ, portraying it as a living, divine gift that grows through our faith, especially during challenging times. Elder Neal Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles talks about true hope as not merely being wishful thinking but how it is centred on the promises of Jesus Christ and the blessings of eternal life. Hope provides us with strength amid trials, drawing on the example of Moroni, who, though isolated and threatened, retained faith in eternal promises.
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Daily Gratitude – Grateful for the Redeemer

Behold, I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. In me shall all mankind have life, and that eternally, even they who shall believe on my name; and they shall become my sons and my daughters. (Ether 3:14)

As I was reading today’s verse, I started thinking about how grateful I am for the redeeming sacrifice of the Saviour Jesus Christ. I am reminded that He has loved us since the foundation of the world, even before we were born, and prepared a way for us to return to our Heavenly Father. In this verse the Saviour is speaking directly to us, declaring Himself as our Redeemer and promising eternal life to those who believe on His name. The power and depth of His love fills me with awe, knowing that Christ was willing to take upon Himself our sins and sorrows so that we might find peace, forgiveness, and eternal joy.
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Daily Gratitude – Honouring Our Veterans

Today, on Veteran’s Day, I am especially grateful for the sacrifices made by the Veterans who have defended and protected our freedoms. Their courage, commitment, and willingness to put themselves at risk to safeguard our lives and liberties is a testament to the strength of their character and their dedication to this great nation. They have endured hardships and separation from their families so that we might enjoy the blessings of peace and security. For their service and sacrifice, I offer my heartfelt gratitude.

I am also grateful for the freedom to practise my faith openly, a freedom preserved through the service of Veterans and others who have upheld the principles upon which our nation was founded. This liberty allows me to worship God, to live according to my beliefs, and to draw nearer to Him without fear. I recognise that this freedom is precious, a privilege not available to all, and I am deeply thankful to live in a country where it is protected.
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Our Faith in God’s Power

“Behold, O Lord, thou canst do this. We know that thou art able to show forth great power, which looks small unto the understanding of men.” (Ether 3:5)

I think the verse of the day beautifully captures a significant principle of our faith—that God’s power, though often misunderstood or overlooked by human understanding, is boundless and supreme. The brother of Jared, in his humble petition to God, recognised that even though mortal perspective may diminish the vastness of divine power, God is infinitely capable of achieving what is beyond our comprehension. This acknowledgment shows us the contrast between human limitations and divine omnipotence, calling us to trust in Heavenly Father’s capacity to work wonders, even when they seem implausible to our limited minds.
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Imperfections and Divine Wisdom

“Condemn me not because of mine imperfection, neither my father, because of his imperfection, neither them who have written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been.” (Mormon 9:31)

Today’s passage speaks about humility and an earnest plea for understanding as Mormon acknowledges his own limitations and those of the record he has written. He asks that his readers avoid harsh judgment for human frailties and, instead, recognise God’s merciful intent in revealing those weaknesses. Mormon implores us to give thanks to God for allowing us to see these imperfections, as they become a tool for our wisdom and growth. This sentiment invites us to consider that human imperfection, though often a source of discouragement, can be part of Heavenly Father’s divine tutoring, helping us learn patience, empathy, and humility.
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Moroni’s Faith in Solitude

When I contemplate Moroni’s life and legacy, I find myself drawn deeply into his story, as if his experience of isolation speaks directly to certain areas of my own life. There are days when my own path seems shadowed, marked by the physical and social challenges that come with having various disabilities. Like Moroni, who stood as the last of his people, stripped of community, and burdened by the losses of family and friends, I, too, sometimes feel as though I am walking a solitary road. Moroni’s words come to mind during these times, echoing a familiar ache: “I even remain alone… I have not friends nor whither to go.” (Mormon 8:3, 5) Yet, Moroni, even in his solitude, found significant strength in the Lord and a comforting conviction that “the eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on.” (Mormon 8:22) For me, this phrase offers a type of lifeline—a reminder that, though I may not always understand God’s plan, it is unfolding nonetheless, with or without my full understanding.
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