Eternal Life Through Christ

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 3:17)

Christ’s words are not only a beautiful sentiment but are certainly a guiding principle for our faith and understanding of eternal life. In these words, we find the essence of what we know brings eternal life: to know God, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent. This knowing is not just an intellectual understanding but a deep, personal relationship with Heavenly Father. It is through this relationship that we find purpose, meaning, and the pathway to eternal life.

“Knowing” the only true God is more than just knowing about Him; it is experiencing His presence in our lives. It is feeling the Spirit testify of the reality to our soul. Heavenly Father knows and loves each one of us individually. To know Him is to cultivate a personal relationship through prayer, scripture study, and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
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Questions for Come Follow Me – 2 Nephi 11-19

The following questions are designed for the lessons presented in the book Come, Follow Me, for February 26–March 3. You can access the Come, Follow Me book by clicking here.

Introductory Questions

What challenges did Nephi face in engraving metal plates, and how did these limitations influence his decision-making process?

Why did Nephi choose to include so many writings of the prophet Isaiah in his record despite the difficulty of engraving on metal plates?

How does Nephi’s stated purpose of proving the truth of the coming of Christ align with his decision to include Isaiah’s writings?

In what ways did Nephi foresee the future challenges and shortcomings of his people, and how did this influence his recording of Isaiah’s words?
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Meetings are a Lifeline for Members

The Sacrament Meeting, along with testimonies and Sunday School, plays a vital role in the spiritual nourishment of members within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As members gather in fellowship, partaking of the Sacrament reminding members of the atonement of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, as well as reminding us of our covenants.

The testimonies shared during Sacrament Meeting serve as witnesses of the truthfulness of the gospel. Each brother’s and sister’s expression of faith and personal experiences strengthens the bond of the congregation. In the Book of Mormon, the prophet Alma spoke about the importance of bearing one another’s burdens and mourning with those that mourn (Mosiah 18:8-9). This spirit of unity and empathy is developed through the sharing of testimonies. Additionally, Sunday School provides an opportunity for studying the scriptures. The teachings of Jesus Christ, as found in the Gospels, are a foundational guide for our lives. Through exploration and discussion of the scriptures, we gain a deeper understanding of Christ’s teachings and how to apply them in our daily lives.
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Being More Like Mary

Latter-day Saints are encouraged to emulate Mary for several reasons. In seeking to be more like Mary, the mother of Jesus, we can turn to the scriptures for insights. Mary is revered for her humility, faith, and willingness to submit to God’s will. To emulate her, we can focus on various aspects provided in the scriptures.

The example set by Mary in the Gospel of Luke is an important illustration of humility and submission to God’s will. In Luke 1:38, Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel reveals a deep and unwavering faith in God’s plan. Her words, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word,” shows us the humble acceptance of her role in the divine plan of salvation.

Mary’s humility is noteworthy for several reasons. Firstly, she refers to herself as the “handmaid of the Lord,” acknowledging her subordinate position to God. This choice of language indicates her recognition of God’s sovereignty and her willingness to serve Him obediently. Secondly, Mary’s readiness to embrace God’s will, even when it involves an unprecedented event like the virgin birth, demonstrates her trust and faith in God. Her response stands as a model for us, encouraging us to submit to God’s plans with humility and trust, even when our path is challenging or unconventional.
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Book of Mormon Reading 2024

The following schedule for reading and studying the Book of Mormon for a year is taken from Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024.

January 1–7
    • Title Page, Three Witnesses, Eight Witnesses

January 8–14
    • 1 Nephi 1–5

January 15–21
    • 1 Nephi 6–10

January 22–28
    • 1 Nephi 11–15

January 29–February 4
    • 1 Nephi 16–22

February 5–11
    • 2 Nephi 1–2

February 12–18
    • 2 Nephi 3–5

February 19–25
    • 2 Nephi 6–10

February 26–March 3
    • 2 Nephi 11–19

March 4–10
    • 2 Nephi 20–25

March 11–17
    • 2 Nephi 26–30

March 18–24
    • 2 Nephi 31–33

March 25–31
    • Easter

April 1–7
    • Jacob 1–4

April 8–14
    • Jacob 5–7

April 15–21
    • Enos–Words of Mormon

April 22–28
    • Mosiah 1–3

April 29–May 5
    • Mosiah 4–6

May 6–12
    • Mosiah 7–10

May 13–19
    • Mosiah 11–17

May 20–26
    • Mosiah 18–24

May 27–June 2
    • Mosiah 25–28

June 3–9
    • Mosiah 29–Alma 4

June 10–16
    • Alma 5–7

June 17–23
    • Alma 8–12

June 24–30
    • Alma 13–16

July 1–7
    • Alma 17–22

July 8–14
    • Alma 23–29

July 15–21
    • Alma 30–31

July 22–28
    • Alma 32–35

July 29–August 4
    • Alma 36–38

August 5–11
    • Alma 39–42

August 12–18
    • Alma 43–52

August 19–25
    • Alma 53–63

August 26–September 1
    • Helaman 1–6

September 2–8
    • Helaman 7–12

September 9–15
    • Helaman 13–16

September 16–22
    • 3 Nephi 1–7

September 23–29
    • 3 Nephi 8–11

September 30–October 6
    • 3 Nephi 12–16

October 7–13
    • 3 Nephi 17–19

October 14–20
    • 3 Nephi 20–26

October 21–27
    • 3 Nephi 27–4 Nephi

October 28–November 3
    • Mormon 1–6

November 4–10
    • Mormon 7–9

November 11–17
    • Ether 1–5

November 18–24
    • Ether 6–11

November 25–December 1
    • Ether 12–15

December 2–8
    • Moroni 1–6

December 9–15
    • Moroni 7–9

December 16–22
    • Moroni 10

December 23–29
    • Christmas

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Creating an Atmosphere for Home Worship

In the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the importance of home-centred worship is stressed, particularly in recent years. As members of the Church we draw guidance from both the Bible and the Book of Mormon to illuminate the principles that help in the creation of a conducive environment for worship within one’s home.

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (John 13:34) In the context of family or individual worship, these words of Jesus hold deep significance for us. The command to love one another holds a central theme in Christ’s teachings and serves as a guiding principle for establishing harmonious relationships within our home.

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the family is considered a fundamental unit of society and central to God’s plan. The emphasis on love, respect, understanding, and support is in accordance with the teachings found in the scriptures. The Book of Mormon, in particular, shows the importance of love and unity within families. In the Book of Alma, for instance, Alma teaches that “there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.” (Mosiah 18:21) This can help us grasp the thought that unity and love are not only vital within the home but are also crucial for the spiritual well-being of each one of us.

Cultivating an atmosphere of love and unity involves active efforts to emulate the Saviour’s love in our interactions with each other. This may include practising forgiveness, showing compassion, and striving to understand each other’s perspectives. The Apostle Paul, in his letters to the Corinthians, also provides insights into the characteristics of love, speaking on qualities such as patience, kindness, and selflessness (1 Corinthians 13).

Families and individuals are encouraged to engage in regular prayer, scripture study, and family activities that promote bonding and mutual understanding. By following the teachings of Jesus and striving to love one another as He loves us, we can create an environment where worship can thrive, and Heavenly Father’s children can grow spiritually together, thereby being more grounded in the gospel principles.

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” (Philippians 4:6) The apostle Paul’s exhortation to the Philippians speaks of the importance of prayer as a means of seeking God’s guidance, expressing gratitude, and finding comfort in times of anxiety. The New International Version renders Paul’s words in the following manner: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” The practice of constant communication with Heavenly Father through prayer is a foundational principle in our faith.

Personal prayer is a powerful way to develop a spiritual ambiance within the home. The Church places great emphasis on the family as a unit where individuals can come together in love and faith. Similarly, single individuals should utilise the power of prayer and communication with God on a regular basis. The Book of Mormon also contains teachings on the significance of prayer, focusing on the need to “pray always, and not faint” (2 Nephi 32:9). Encouraging family members to participate in both individual and family prayers provides an opportunity for each person to express their thoughts, concerns, and gratitude to Heavenly Father. This practice strengthens one’s personal connection with God and contributes to the unity and spiritual well-being of the family as a whole.

Incorporating thanksgiving into prayers creates an attitude of appreciation or thankfulness—a fundamental principle in our discipleship. Expressing gratitude to Heavenly Father for blessings, both big and small, helps individuals and families recognise the hand of God in their lives and develop a deeper appreciation for the gifts they receive.

The importance of individuals and families establishing a consistent pattern of prayer, integrating it into daily routines can not be overstated. This could include morning and evening prayers, as well as prayers before meals. The Book of Mormon prophet Alma, in counselling his son Helaman, spoke of the importance of praying in our fields, over our flocks, in all our houses, morning, mid-day, and evening. (Alma 34:20-21) Such a regular practice of prayer contributes to the spiritual ambiance of the home and also to the individual and collective growth of family members in their faith and relationship with God.

The counsel given by the prophet Nephi in the Book of Mormon (2 Nephi 32:3), speaks of the importance of feasting upon the words of Christ through scripture study. The Bible itself tells us of the significance of meditating on and internalising God’s Word. The psalmist, in Psalm 119:105, declares, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path,” focusing attention on the illuminating and guiding nature of the scriptures. Similarly, the apostle Paul, in his second epistle to Timothy, stresses the value of scripture in teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The Book of Mormon is considered another testament of Jesus Christ, and its teachings complement those found in the Bible. The directive to “feast upon the words of Christ” encourages reading and studying along with deep reflection and application of the principles found within its covers.

Engaging in regular scripture study, both individually and as a family, contributes to the development of a strong spiritual foundation. It provides opportunities for us to learn, ponder, and discuss godly principles and teachings. The Book of Mormon, in particular, contains the words of Christ and provides additional perspectives on gospel principles that can enhance our understanding of the teachings found in the Bible.

Families and individuals can incorporate scripture study into their daily routines. This could involve reading and discussing passages from the Bible and the Book of Mormon, pondering their meaning, and seeking inspiration on how to apply these principles in daily life. Such regular study not only deepens our understanding of God’s plan but also strengthens the spiritual fabric of the family, creating a shared commitment to living according to the words of Christ.

The advice given by the Apostle Paul to the Colossians in Colossians 3:16 helps us see the importance of letting the word of Christ dwell richly within us, and he specifically mentions the use of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs as a means of teaching and admonishing one another. This guidance lines up with our practice of hymn singing in Church and shows the positive impact that engaging in such musical worship can have on the spiritual atmosphere in the home.

In the Church, hymns are considered a powerful form of worship that facilitates the expression of our faith, gratitude, and devotion to Heavenly Father. Hymns often contain doctrinal teachings, biblical references, and messages of hope and encouragement. Singing hymns as a family provides a shared experience of worship, contributing to the unity and spiritual well-being of the household. These same hymns can be sung by individuals who do not live with family members.

The Book of Mormon also contains references to the importance of singing praises to God. For example, in the book of Alma, the people are described as singing hymns of praise to God in times of gratitude and joy (Alma 26:13). This further supports the idea that musical worship, including hymn singing, is a meaningful way to express devotion and strengthen our connection with God.

Both families and individuals can easily incorporate hymn singing into their regular worship and activities. This can be done during prayer or as a dedicated time for musical worship. Selecting hymns that reflect the family’s experiences, and the teachings of Christ can enhance the spiritual impact of this practice. Hymn singing not only brings an uplifting spirit into the home but also serves as a form of group worship that fosters a sense of unity and joy in the home.

In the Book of Mormon, King Benjamin placed focus on the responsibility of parents to teach their children: “And ye will not suffer your children that they go hungry, or naked; neither will ye suffer that they transgress the laws of God, and fight and quarrel one with another, and serve the devil, who is the master of sin, or who is the devil spirit which hath been spoken of by our fathers, he being an enemy to all righteousness.” (Mosiah 4:14) The responsibility to provide for children’s physical needs and to teach them the laws of God is pointed out in this verse. This is certainly a foundational teaching in our faith.

The Bible itself contains similar admonitions regarding the duty of parents to instruct their children in the ways of righteousness. Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Parents have a strong influence on the spiritual and moral development of their children. Family discussions and lessons on gospel principles is an important means of nurturing spiritual growth. Regular family home evenings, where families come together to learn and discuss gospel topics, provide a structured opportunity for parents to fulfill the responsibility. The Book of Mormon is often used as a resource for these discussions, reinforcing the principles taught in the Bible.

The Church has encouraged parents to actively engage in teaching their children the laws of God, promoting a loving and nurturing environment where gospel principles are not only taught but also lived. Family discussions can include topics such as prayer, scripture study, service, and the importance of following the Commandments. This consistent and intentional approach to spiritual instruction contributes to the spiritual development of each family member, developing a foundation of faith and righteousness within the home.

Creating a home worship atmosphere involves a complete approach that encompasses love, unity, prayer, scripture study, hymn singing, and a commitment to teaching and learning within the family or as an individual. These principles are taught in the Bible and the Book of Mormon and are thus central to the doctrines and practices of the Church. By incorporating these principles into daily life, individuals and families can create a home worship atmosphere that nurtures spiritual growth, strengthens familial bonds, and draws them closer to God.


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Maintaining Worship at Home Amidst Challenges

Various adverse circumstances may prevent some brothers and sisters from attending the Sacrament meeting, Sunday school, and other Church activities. During such times, there are several meaningful ways we can worship at home in accordance with the teachings found in the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

One of these ways is to uphold a regular, daily scripture study schedule. Dedicate time each day to studying the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Contemplate the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels and the principles outlined in the Book of Mormon. Consider maintaining a journal to document your thoughts and insights, as members are typically encouraged to do after their baptism.

Regular prayer is one of the most vital actions we can take. Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a regular and sincere prayer life cannot be overstated. We should consistently communicate with Heavenly Father, expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and sharing our concerns. Personal prayer is a potent means to draw closer to God and find solace in challenging times.

If feasible, we can collaborate with local Church leaders to organise a weekly receiving of the Sacrament to our homes. The Sacrament is a pivotal element of worship, symbolising the Lord’s Supper and providing an opportunity for reflection and renewal of our covenants.

Engaging in family history work, indexing, or other family research, if possible, is another valuable endeavour. Investigating our family history and requesting ordinances for our ancestors can be a spiritually fulfilling activity. Utilise online tools and resources provided by the Church for this purpose.

Harness technology to connect with fellow Church members virtually. Many wards and branches offer the option to attend virtual meetings. Other opportunities may be facilitated by individual members or missionaries, enabling participation in online discussions or other types of remote services. This can foster a greater sense of connection to the Church community.

If feasible, find ways to serve others from your home. Whether through composing uplifting notes, making phone calls, or participating in online service projects, serving others can bring great joy and fulfillment.

Reading and studying serve as gateways to knowledge. In addition to the scriptures, I enjoy perusing Church magazines, articles, and other literature that provide insights into gospel principles and contemporary issues. This can deepen our understanding of doctrine and offer practical guidance for daily living.

Irrespective of our circumstances, we should always bear in mind that our worship constitutes a personal and intimate connection with Heavenly Father. As we engage in these activities, we should consistently seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to receive personal revelation and insights tailored to our circumstances. I trust that if you have specific questions or concerns, you can reach out to your local Church leaders for support and guidance. If that is not possible for some reason, endeavour to connect with other members of your ward or branch.


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Putting our Trust in Heavenly Father

Putting our trust in Heavenly Father is a fundamental principle that is rooted in the scriptures, including both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. The concept of trusting in God is intertwined with the core doctrines of faith, repentance, and obedience.

The Bible teaches that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). In the Book of Mormon, faith is described as a hope for things which are not seen but are true (Alma 32:21). Trusting in Heavenly Father begins with a foundation of faith, believing in His existence, His love, and His ability to guide and bless us.

Repentance is another essential principle in our faith. Trusting in Heavenly Father involves acknowledging our mistakes, turning away from sin, and relying on His mercy and grace. The Bible teaches that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Trusting in Heavenly Father requires obedience to His Commandments. In the Gospels, Jesus taught, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). This principle is reiterated in the Book of Mormon, showing the importance of following God’s laws as an expression of our trust in Him.

Trusting in Heavenly Father involves always seeking His guidance through prayer and personal revelation. In Proverbs 3:5-6, it is written, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” The Book of Mormon also encourages seeking guidance through prayer (2 Nephi 32:8).

Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon teach that trusting in Heavenly Father involves enduring trials with faith and patience. James 1:3-4 teaches that the trying of our faith produces patience. In the Book of Mormon, there are numerous examples of individuals who faced challenges with trust in the Lord, such as Nephi and Alma.

Putting our trust in Heavenly Father is a spiritual commitment that involves faith, repentance, obedience, seeking His guidance, and enduring trials with patience. It is through this trust that we believe we can draw nearer to God and experience the blessings of His love and guidance in our lives.

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Seeking Divine Guidance

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

“For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.” (2 Nephi 28:30)

In these two verses, we see the principle of seeking, asking, and receiving divine guidance and understanding. In Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus encourages us to be persistent in our efforts to seek God, asking for what we need, and actively engaging in a relationship with Him. The promise is that when we earnestly seek, ask, and knock will receive, find, and have doors opened to us.

Similarly, the passage from 2 Nephi 28:30 teaches us the same principle. The Lord promises to give knowledge and wisdom to those who hearken to His precepts and counsel. The idea of receiving “line upon line, precept upon precept” tells us that there is a gradual process of learning and understanding, indicating the importance of patience and continual effort in seeking God’s guidance.

In both scriptures, there is an implicit call for humility and receptivity. If we are willing to receive and acknowledge our need for divine guidance, we are promised an increase in wisdom and understanding. Jesus emphasised the importance of having a humble and teachable heart.

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we strive to apply these principles in our lives, recognising the ongoing process of learning and growing in our relationship with Heavenly Father. Through prayer, study of the scriptures, and obedience to God’s Commandments, we seek to draw closer to Him, trusting in His promises of guidance and enlightenment.

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Attaining Wisdom

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (James 1:5)

“Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you.” (1 Nephi 15:11)

When aspiring to attain wisdom, these scriptures counsel us to direct our supplications to the Almighty, the source of all knowledge and understanding. The verses from the Epistle of James convey to us that God, in His benevolence, bestows wisdom generously upon those who earnestly seek it. In our approach to Heavenly Father, we do so with a heart humbled and free from reproach.

A parallel illustration of seeking divine guidance is found in the verse from 1 Nephi. It speaks of the significance of faith and assiduity in adhering to the Commandments. Through unwavering obedience, we are able to develop a deeper and intimate connection with God. As expressed in John 14:15, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” To prevent the hardening of our hearts, it is imperative to maintain an open and receptive disposition towards the spiritual guidance bestowed by Heavenly Father.

I would like to point out that the quest for wisdom is not solely an individual pursuit but also a collective one, contributing to the development of unity and a shared spiritual purpose among brethren – indeed, all the children of God. Wisdom is sought collectively through faith, humility, and obedience to the Commandments and divine principles.

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