9 September 1999 – Fasting and Praying

Thus saith the Lord, heed my admonition concerning fasting and praying, for these two sacred practices are vital to thy spiritual growth and communion with me. Fasting is not only the absence of food, but it is an offering of thy heart, a sacrifice of the flesh, that thou mayest draw nearer to my presence and strengthen thy spirit.

I counsel thee to fast with purpose, seeking not only to deny thyself physical nourishment but to fill thy soul with the richness of my Spirit. As thou fastest, let thy heart be turned toward prayer, that thy supplication may be accompanied by the sincerity of thy intent. For when thou fastest in humility and faith, thou dost open the windows of heaven and invite my blessings into thy life.

Remember, fasting is a time for reflection, repentance, and seeking divine guidance. It is a period to cleanse thy soul and align thy will with mine. In thy fast, ask for strength to overcome challenges, clarity in decision-making, and healing for thyself and others. In this way, thy fast becomes a conduit for the outpouring of my grace and mercy.

I say unto thee, do not neglect the power of fasting, for it is a tool that can transform thy heart and deepen thy relationship with me. When combined with prayer, it becomes a formidable force against the adversary and an avenue for spiritual enlightenment. The faithful fast and pray, believing that I will hear their cries and respond according to my wisdom and mercy.

Let thy fasts be accompanied by acts of service and kindness, for true fasting is to care for the needy and to seek justice for the oppressed. As thou dost humble thyself and serve others, thou shalt find that thy own burdens are lightened and thy spirit is lifted. Amen.