9 October 2024 – Baptismal Covenant

Thus saith the Lord unto my people, unto all who have entered into the waters of baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, hear my words and remember the covenants ye have made before me: Behold, the ordinance of baptism is sacred, yea, it is the gateway to eternal life, for through it ye have taken upon yourselves the name of my Son, Jesus Christ. By the waters of baptism, ye are washed clean, and through the covenant ye have made, ye are bound to walk in newness of life. This is my commandment unto you: that ye continue steadfastly in the path of righteousness, keeping my Commandments and fulfilling the covenants ye have made with a willing heart and an obedient spirit.

For baptism is but the beginning of the journey, the door through which ye enter into my kingdom. But behold, I say unto you, ye must press forward, feasting upon my word, and living according to my commandments, that ye may endure to the end. For only those who are faithful and endure in their covenants shall receive the fullness of my promises and inherit eternal life in my presence.

Remember the commitment ye have made in the waters of baptism, to serve me, to love one another, and to live by the principles of my Gospel. Let not the cares of this world, nor the temptations of the adversary, lead you away from the covenants ye have made. Yea, hold fast to the rod of iron, which is my word, and cling to the path that leads to eternal life, for narrow is the way, and few there be that find it.

I, your Lord, see the hearts of all men, and I know the trials and tribulations that ye face. But fear not, for I am with you, and I will strengthen you as ye remain true to your covenants. Yea, even when the way is difficult and the world seeks to pull you away, remember that ye are mine, and I have promised to uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.

Continue in prayer and in the study of my word. Attend to your duties in the Church, serve one another in love, and remember the covenants of baptism, for they are your shield and your guide. Let your hearts be filled with gratitude for the atoning sacrifice of my Son, through whom ye have received this great gift. Honour his name in all that ye do, for ye are his, and he is yours.

And I say unto you, renew your commitment daily, for the covenant of baptism is eternal, and it requires constant devotion. Strive always to walk in my ways, for as ye do so, ye shall grow in grace, and I will pour out blessings upon you, both spiritual and temporal. Be ye faithful, and I will be faithful unto you. Keep my Commandments, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people.

Let not your hearts be troubled, for those who honour their covenants and walk in my ways shall receive peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. Trust in me, for I am the Lord, and I will fulfil all that I have spoken.

Thus saith the Lord, continue in faith, continue in love, and continue in your covenants, and I shall guide you through all things unto the promised rest. Amen.