Thus saith the Lord unto thee: I have spoken unto thee before concerning the Inspired Version of my holy word. Hear now and hearken unto my voice, for this counsel cometh from me, and it is not of man. Thou shalt not set aside the Inspired Version, nor think of it lightly, for it is sacred in my sight. It is given by my will and by the workings of my Spirit, that my truth might be made plain unto the children of men.
Behold, I know the hearts of men, and I have seen how they mock and scoff at that which I have revealed. They lift up their voices in pride and declare their own wisdom, saying, “The word of the Lord needeth not to be corrected; it is sufficient as we have it.” But I say unto thee, my ways are higher than man’s ways, and my thoughts higher than man’s thoughts. The opinions of men are as the grass that withereth and the flower that fadeth, but my word endureth forever.
The Inspired Version is given by my hand, and it is set apart to correct that which hath been corrupted over time by the errors and traditions of men. In it is restored the fullness of my truth, that ye may know my will and understand my plan in greater clarity. Therefore, thou must not listen to the voices of those who doubt or ridicule, for they speak from the vanity of their own minds, not from the Spirit of God.
I, the Lord, declare unto thee the sacredness of the Inspired Version. It is a gift unto thee in these latter days, that thou mayest have greater light and knowledge concerning my Gospel. It is not to be taken lightly nor compared with the wisdom of the world, for it cometh from me, the source of all truth.
Let no man cause thee to doubt that which I have revealed. The Inspired Version standeth as a witness of my power and of my love for my people. It is given that thou mayest be brought nearer unto me and understand the fullness of my word. Therefore, hold it sacred, and let it not depart from thee. Study it, treasure it, and live by the truths therein, for in so doing, thou shalt be blessed.
Remember my words, for they are sure. The Inspired Version is my word unto you, and its truth shall stand forever. Heed it and honour it, and I, the Lord, shall bless thee with wisdom and understanding. Amen.