Thus saith the Lord, take heed and hear the word of warning I give unto you in this hour.
Behold, the plague is spreading across the earth, and many shall be stricken with fear. Yea, the sickness shall be great, and the hearts of men shall fail them. Cities shall be shut up, and the people shall be closed in their homes, for the pestilence shall cover the land. There shall be isolation, and the streets shall be empty of voices, and many shall wonder where safety can be found.
But unto you, my faithful, I say, fear not. Though the disease spreads and the nations tremble, I, the Lord, am your refuge and strength. In me is your safety. In me is your peace. Though you may be shut in your homes, yet my Spirit is with you, and my hand shall uphold you.
Be diligent in the study of my word, even the Bible and the Book of Mormon, for therein shall you find wisdom and strength. Let not your hearts be troubled by the things you see, but turn to the Scriptures, for they are a light in the darkness and a guide for your souls. Meditate upon my Commandments, and seek my face in prayer, for I will draw near unto you in your homes as you seek me.
Yea, though the world is shaken, and though many are filled with dread, you, my people, are called to be a light. Be steadfast in your faith, for I shall reveal great truths unto you in this time of trial. I shall open the eyes of many who have been blind, and the Gospel of my Son shall be a beacon of hope in the storm.
Be not afraid, neither let your hearts faint, for I am with you. Continue in righteousness, and I shall deliver you. Hold fast to the promises I have given, and know that this time of trial shall pass. I, the Lord, am your protector, and I shall be your strength in the days to come.
Trust in me, and all shall be well.