Thus saith the Lord unto Eben, what ye have learned and heard, these things practice, for they are of me. The truths ye have received are not of men, but they are the words of life, given by my Spirit unto those who seek diligently. Therefore, I say unto thee, do not neglect the Commandments which I have given thee, for in them is found safety and peace.
Walk in the path of righteousness, keeping my Commandments with a willing heart, and I shall bless thee with understanding and wisdom. For the way of Jehovah is sure, and those who remain steadfast in obedience shall be led into my rest. Behold, it is not enough to know the truth; ye must live it, day by day, in every thought and action.
I call upon thee, to remember the way of thy forefathers, who came from England with hearts turned unto me. Yea, they gained a proper knowledge of the Book of Mormon, and their eyes were opened to the fullness of my Gospel. It was through their faithfulness and their diligence that the way of truth was preserved in thy family, even unto this generation.
Therefore, I say unto thee, follow in their footsteps, and hold fast to the truths they embraced. Walk in the light they received, for it is a gift passed down unto thee from those who have gone before. Let not the heritage of faith be lost, but strengthen it in thy heart, that ye may be a light to those around thee.
Do not be swayed by the ways of the world or by the voices of those who seek to lead thee astray. The path of truth is narrow, but it is sure, and as long as ye walk in it, I will be with thee. Study the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and let their teachings guide thy every step. For the Commandments I have given thee are not grievous, but they are a source of life and joy.
Neglect not the truths ye have learned, but remain steadfast in the way of righteousness. In doing so, ye shall walk in the same path as thy forefathers, who knew the truth and followed it with all their hearts. Be faithful, and I will lead thee to the fulfilment of all that I have prepared for thee. Amen.