Thus saith the Lord, there will come to you a man named J. [redacted]; trust not in his words, for he is of an unsettled mind and is known for leading others astray in spiritual matters. Behold, he wavers in his understanding and speaks words that are not of me, seeking to confuse and mislead those who would follow the path of truth.
I say unto you, be not deceived by his words, for they come not from the Spirit of the Lord, but from the thoughts of his own heart, which is unstable and not rooted in my truth. He is like the waves of the sea, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, and he cannot bring peace or clarity to those who seek the light.
Therefore, my child, keep your mind and heart focused on me, Jehovah your God. Lean not unto the teachings of men whose ways are contrary to my Commandments, but seek after my word with diligence and faithfulness. Let not the confusion of others turn you away from the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life.
Be steadfast in your faith, and anchor your soul in the teachings of my Gospel. Study the Scriptures, both the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and listen to the voice of my Spirit, which will guide you into all truth. Do not allow the influence of those who are unstable in their beliefs to distract you from your devotion to me.
Remember, the adversary works through those who are unsettled in their minds and hearts, seeking to draw my children away from the truth. Be watchful, therefore, and guard your minds and spirits against the deceptions of those who would lead you astray. Stay rooted in my word, and you shall not be moved by the winds of confusion.
Keep your eyes fixed upon the Lord, and trust in the sure foundation of my Gospel. For I am the way, the truth, and the life, and I will not lead you into confusion, but into the light of everlasting truth. As ye remain faithful, ye shall be protected from the snares of those who would mislead you.
Therefore, trust not in any who are unstable in their ways. Stay firm in your commitment to the Lord, and let your mind be single to my glory. In me, ye shall find peace, clarity, and the guidance ye seek. Amen.