27 October 2018 – Establish Zion in Your Homes

Thus saith the Lord, remember the words which I spoke in times past, even through my servant Joseph Smith unto David Whitmer, when I said: “Seek to bring forth and establish my Zion. Keep my commandments in all things.” [D&C 14:6] Yea, these words remain true, and I now call upon you to heed them with renewed purpose.

Behold, the days are upon you when many shall not be able to gather in my churches, when the doors of meetinghouses shall be closed, and the faithful will be scattered in their homes. But let not this cause you to falter, for my Zion is not confined to a place or a building. Yea, Zion is the pure in heart, and it is my will that you establish Zion in your homes.

Seek to bring forth and establish my Zion within the walls of your dwellings. Make your homes places of righteousness, of prayer, of study, and of love. Let the words of my Scriptures, even the Bible and the Book of Mormon, be your daily bread. Teach your children, your families, and all who dwell within to walk in my Commandments and to look unto me in all things.

Though the world may seem dark, and though the church doors may be closed for a season, I say unto you: Zion shall not be stopped. For as you establish my Zion in your homes, my Spirit shall be poured out upon you, and I will dwell with you. Let every household become a sanctuary, and let every heart be turned to me, for I shall be your God, and you shall be my people.

Do not think that this work is small or of little consequence. Yea, I say unto you, it is great in my sight. As you establish my Zion in your homes, you shall prepare the way for greater things to come. You shall be a light unto the world, and many shall see your faith and follow.

Therefore, be faithful in this time of trial. Keep my Commandments in all things, and seek to establish my Zion wherever you may be. I, the Lord, am with you, and my promises are sure. Press on in righteousness, for I shall bring forth my Zion in power, and great shall be the reward of those who are faithful. Amen.