27 December 2019 – Not to Judge Hearts of Others

Thus saith the Lord unto my servant Eben, hearken unto my voice, and be steadfast in the work to which I have called thee: Behold, I know the thoughts of thy heart, and I have seen thy labour in my vineyard. Thou hast been faithful in sharing the Gospel of my Son, Jesus Christ, and in writing that which I have placed upon thy heart concerning the Holy Scriptures, even the Bible and the Book of Mormon. But now, I see that thy spirit is weighed down, and discouragement hath come upon thee because of the indiscretions and sins of others within my church.

Fear not, my servant, and be not dismayed. For I, the Lord, know all things, and I see the hearts of men. Many are they who stray from the path, and many are they who sin in darkness. But their deeds shall not hinder my work, nor shall their rebellion prevail. Let not the failings of others turn thee aside from the calling I have placed upon thee.

Yea, I say unto thee, continue in the ministry I have entrusted to thy hands. Thou art called to be a light unto many, to teach the truth of my Gospel and to expound upon the Scriptures. The words which I give thee shall be a lamp of hope and correction unto those who will hear. Therefore, let not the sins of others discourage thee, for every man shall stand accountable before me.

Thy duty is not to judge their hearts, but to fulfil the work I have given thee. Be diligent, my servant, in sharing the message of repentance, of faith in my Son, and of obedience to my Commandments. Be not weary in well-doing, for in due time thou shalt reap, if thou faint not.

Lo, I am with thee in this labour, and I shall strengthen thee against the trials that arise. Set thine eyes upon me, and trust in my power to accomplish all things. Thy reward is with me, and I shall not forget the faithfulness of my servants.

Therefore, stand firm, and let nothing turn thee from the path I have set before thee. For I am the Lord thy God, and I will be thy strength and thy shield in the days to come. Amen.