Hearken to the words of the Lord, O ye who have wandered from the path, and ye who feel the weight of your own distance; yea, even those who have turned aside in thought and in deed. Behold, thus saith the Lord your God, who knoweth the hearts of all, yea, even the intents thereof: Verily, I say unto you, draw nigh unto Me, and I shall draw nigh unto you. [James 4:8] For I am your refuge and your strength, and My arms are stretched out still, to receive all who will return unto Me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
Cleanse your hands, ye who have erred, and purify your hearts, ye who are divided in mind. For I the Lord require sincerity in repentance and the humility of your souls before Me.
And if ye will turn again unto Me, I shall pour out My Spirit upon you, and ye shall find rest for your souls. And though ye have wandered, I say unto you, ye are not cast off forever; for My mercy is extended unto all who will forsake their sins and seek My face.
Therefore, be not dismayed, and let not your hearts be hardened, for the day of grace is at hand. And I the Lord do call unto you, saying, Return, O My children, and be ye reconciled unto Me, that your joy may be full. For I am the Lord your Redeemer, even the Holy One of Israel, and I remember mercy in judgment.
And if ye shall heed My voice and seek Me in earnest prayer, with full purpose of heart, ye shall find Me, and I shall succour you in the hour of your need.
Thus saith the Lord. Amen.