Thus saith the Lord unto my beloved children who find themselves in isolation, hear my words and take courage.
Behold, I know the loneliness of your hearts and the trials you face when you are separated from the fellowship of the saints. Yet I say unto you, remain steadfast in your commitment to my commandments, for I, the Lord, am with you even in your solitude. Though you may feel alone, my Spirit is ever near, and I shall not forsake you.
Yea, I see the temptations that arise when you are distant from the gathering of my people, and I know the challenges that seek to shake your faith. But I call upon you to hold fast to the truth you have received, and to stand firm in your covenant with me. Let not the adversary lead you astray, but cling to the commandments which I have given unto you.
Be diligent in your prayers, seek me daily through the study of my Holy Scriptures, and keep my Commandments in all things. Though the world around you may grow dark, let the light of your faith shine brightly, for your steadfastness will be a witness of your love for me.
Remember that you are never truly alone, for you are part of my covenant people, and I am your God. As you remain faithful, I shall strengthen you, and your faith shall be as a rock that cannot be moved. Even in isolation, you can build up Zion within your heart, and I shall dwell with you.
Therefore, fear not, my children. Continue to walk in righteousness, for your obedience is pleasing unto me, and your reward shall be great in the kingdom of heaven. I shall uphold you in your times of trial, and I shall bless you for your faithfulness. Be of good cheer, for I am the Lord your God, and I will never leave you nor forsake you. Amen.