Thus saith the Lord, the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, unto all the inhabitants of the earth: Behold, I am the Giver of life, yea, even from the foundation of the world have I ordained the breath of life in all flesh. In My hand is the soul of every living thing, and in My power is the spirit of all mankind.
Verily I say unto you, before thou wast formed in the womb, I knew thee. Yea, before thy substance was yet fashioned, I beheld thee and did ordain thy days. Thou art Mine, and I have breathed into thee the breath of life; none shall take it, for it is sacred unto Me.
Let no hand be lifted against the innocent, yea, against the preborn, for their blood crieth unto Me from the ground. Whosoever taketh the life of the innocent taketh that which is most precious in My sight, and My wrath shall be kindled against them. For I am the Lord, and I hold all life as sacred, even from the moment of conception unto the last breath.
Thou shalt not slay, neither by hand nor by counsel; neither shalt thou stand idle while the innocent perish. For inasmuch as ye do it unto the least of these, ye do it unto Me. Protect the lives of the unborn and all who draw breath, for they are My children, and My Spirit resteth upon them.
I the Lord do declare: Life is My gift, and it is holy. Let no man or woman defile it, for I shall judge all who destroy that which I have created. Therefore, uphold the sanctity of life in all its forms, for in this ye shall honour Me and keep My Commandments. Amen.