15 August 2009 – Forgive Those Who Offend

Thus saith the Lord: Hearken unto my word, for it carries the weight of truth and life. I command thee to forgive those who offend thee, for forgiveness is a sacred gift that brings healing to the soul and peace to the heart.

Know this: offence is a part of mortal life, and thou shalt encounter moments of pain and misunderstanding. Yet, in these moments, I call upon thee to rise above the hurt and extend the hand of mercy. Forgiveness is a condition of the heart, a choice that reflects my love and grace toward all of my children.

When others offend or wrong thee, remember the example set by my Son, Jesus Christ, who, while suffering the greatest injustices, uttered words of forgiveness from the cross: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” [Luke 23:34] This act of love teaches thee that forgiveness is a path to liberation, freeing not only the offender but also thyself from the burdens of bitterness and resentment.

I know the depths of thy pain, and I know the weight of the offences you have borne. Yet, I urge thee to cast off the shackles of anger and animosity, for they will only hinder thy spiritual growth and cloud thy perception of my goodness. In forgiving, thou shalt find freedom, allowing my peace to flood thy heart and restore thy spirit.

As thou dost strive to forgive, seek my strength in thy weakness. Come to Me in prayer, asking for the grace to release thy grudges and to see those who have offended thee through the lens of my love. In doing so, I will soften thy heart and grant thee the ability to extend mercy, even to those who may seem unworthy in thy sight.

Remember, my servant, that forgiveness is an ongoing process. It may not come easily, and at times, thou may find thyself struggling with the wounds of the past. Yet, I promise that each time thou dost choose to forgive, thou art taking a step toward healing and restoration. Be patient with thyself, and do not be discouraged by the journey. I am with thee, guiding thee and fortifying thy resolve.

Moreover, as thou dost practice forgiveness, be mindful of the power of reconciliation. Where there is opportunity, seek to restore relationships that may have been fractured by offence. While the choice to forgive is thine alone, the act of reconciliation may require humility and courage. Yet, in these endeavours, I shall bless thy efforts, for the work of peace is always pleasing in my sight.

Thus, I entreat thee, forgive those who offend thee, that thou mayest walk in the light of my love and reflect my character to the world. For in forgiveness, thou art imitating my nature and bearing witness to the life changing power of grace. Let thy heart be open, and allow my love to flow through thee, touching the lives of others and bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit.

Go forth, my servant, and embrace the call to forgive. In doing so, thou shalt find joy, healing, and a deeper connection to my eternal love. Amen.