14 November 2011 – Sharing Gospel with Parents

Thus saith the Lord unto his servant Eben: Take heed as thou dost approach thy parents with the truths of my word. Speak gently and with a heart full of love, for they are thy father and mother, and honour is due unto them.

Let thy words be full of kindness and understanding, for it is in the spirit of gentleness that hearts may be opened. Remember the teachings of thy grandmother, who nurtured thy spirit in the ways of the Book of Mormon; her wisdom shall guide thee in this sacred endeavour.

Patience shall be thy companion as thou dost share the truths of the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Know that the hearts of men are not easily turned, and understanding may come slowly. Do not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time, they may come to recognise the light of my word.

As thou speakest, share thy own experiences and the joy that the Scriptures have brought into thy life. Testify of the peace and understanding that flow from my teachings, for personal witness hath a power that words alone cannot convey.

Be mindful of their feelings, for the journey of faith is often filled with questions and doubts. Embrace their concerns with empathy, and let them know that thou art there to walk with them in their search for truth.

Go forth with a heart of love and patience. Allow the seeds of faith to be planted gently in their hearts, and I shall bless thy efforts. For in kindness and understanding, thou shalt find the path to their hearts, and together, ye shall grow in the light of my truth. Amen.