12 December 2023 – Love One Another

Thus saith the Lord unto my people, hear my voice, for I speak unto you concerning the most excellent way, even the commandment to love one another: Behold, from the beginning, I have commanded my children to love one another, for love is the foundation of all righteousness and the bond that unites the faithful. Yea, it was by love that I created the heavens and the earth, and by love did I send my Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, into the world, that the world through Him might be saved. And now, I call upon you, my people, to follow this divine example and to walk in love toward one another, even as I have loved you.

Yea, love is the willingness to bear one another’s burdens, to forgive one another’s trespasses, and to serve one another with humility and compassion. It is the heart that is moved with mercy toward the afflicted, the downtrodden, and the lonely. It is the soul that delights in lifting up the weak and encouraging the weary.

I, the Lord, see the hearts of all men, and I know when love is absent among you. Therefore, I call upon you to examine your hearts and to repent where you have failed to love as I have commanded. Harbor not bitterness, envy, or anger against one another, for these things are not of me. Let all malice be put away from you, and let forgiveness reign in your hearts. For how can you expect mercy and forgiveness from me if you do not extend it unto your brethren?

Remember the words of my Son when He said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” [John 13:35] Yea, this is the true mark of discipleship: to love not in word only, but in deed and in truth. Therefore, I admonish you to love one another, and let that love be manifest in your actions. Serve one another with kindness, show patience with one another’s weaknesses, and seek to build each other up in the faith. Let your love be sincere, without hypocrisy, and let it extend even to those who may be difficult to love, for in doing so, you fulfill the law of Christ.

And behold, I say unto you, love is the key to unity among my people. If you would be one, even as I and my Father are one, you must be united in love. Let there be no divisions, no strife, and no contention among you, but let the love of Christ bind you together in harmony. For if you are not one, you are not mine. Yea, I have called you to be a holy people, and holiness is found in love. Therefore, strive for unity, and let love be the guiding principle in all that you do.

As you love one another, you shall be a light unto the world, and the world will see the power of my Gospel in you. Yea, your love will be a testimony of my truth, and it will draw others unto me. For love is the greatest of all virtues, and without it, even the greatest works are as nothing. Therefore, let your love abound more and more, and let it be evident in every aspect of your lives.

In your homes, love one another as families. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it. Wives, love your husbands with respect and kindness. Parents, nurture your children in love, teaching them to walk in my ways. And children, love and honour your parents, that your days may be long upon the earth. Let your homes be filled with the light of love, that they may be sanctuaries of peace and joy.

In my Church, let love be the foundation of all your dealings with one another. Ministers and teachers, serve with love, seeking not your own gain but the edification of the flock. Members, esteem one another highly, and let no one be neglected or forgotten. Forget not the widows and orphans, and all those in need. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. For in loving one another, you shall grow in grace and be perfected in holiness.

Yea, I call upon you this day to love with all your hearts, for in this is my will fulfilled. Love one another as I have loved you, and you shall be my people, and I shall be your God. Thus saith the Lord. Amen.