11 October 2024 – Sacredness of the Sacrament

Thus saith the Lord unto my people, hear my voice and remember the sacredness of the Sacrament, which I have instituted for your good and for your remembrance of my Son, Jesus Christ: Behold, I call upon you to approach the table of the Sacrament with reverence and humility, for it is holy unto me. Yea, the bread and the cup are symbols of the body and blood of my Son, who gave himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Therefore, let not your hearts grow careless, nor your minds become distracted, when ye partake of this sacred food.

Remember always the solemn covenant ye renew when ye partake of the Sacrament. Yea, in that moment, ye testify before me that ye will take upon yourselves the name of my Son, keep his Commandments, and always remember him. Let this covenant be engraved upon your hearts, and approach the Sacrament with a spirit of gratitude and awe for the infinite atonement of my Son.

Take not this ordinance lightly, nor partake of it unworthily, for it is holy. Let your minds be focused upon the great sacrifice of the Lamb of God, and let your hearts be filled with repentance, humility, and love. For I, the Lord, am present when ye gather in my name, and I look upon the hearts of all who come before me. I know the thoughts and intents of every soul, and I desire that ye come unto me with purity and reverence.

Let this be a time of renewal for your spirit, a time when ye lay down your sins, seek forgiveness, and recommit yourselves to my service. If there be anything in your hearts that is not pleasing unto me, let it be confessed, and come unto the Sacrament with clean hands and a pure heart. For my grace is sufficient for all who repent and turn unto me.

I warn you, my people, that if ye partake of the Sacrament without regard for its holiness, or if ye approach it in sin without seeking to repent, ye do so unto your condemnation. Therefore, examine yourselves, and let your hearts be right before me, that this sacred ordinance may bring you peace, renewal, and the strength to endure in righteousness.

The Sacrament is a gift of my love unto you, a means whereby ye may be spiritually nourished and strengthened in your walk with me. As ye partake of it worthily, I shall pour out my Spirit upon you, and ye shall feel the renewing power of my grace. Yea, the Sacrament is a reminder that my Son is ever with you, and that through his atoning sacrifice, ye are made clean.

Therefore, take this ordinance seriously, and let not the distractions of the world, nor the routine of life, cause you to forget its sacredness. Prepare your hearts each time ye come to the Sacrament, and let your minds be centred upon my Son, who is the source of all life and salvation. Approach the Sacrament with deep reverence, and let it be a moment of communion with me, that ye may grow in faith and in righteousness.

Let your children also be taught the importance of the Sacrament, that they too may come unto me with understanding and reverence. Teach them to honour this ordinance, that they may grow in their commitment to the covenants they shall make with me.

Therefore, my beloved, remember the sacredness of the Sacrament, and take it not lightly. Keep my commandments, and always remember my Son, that ye may have his Spirit to be with you. This is my will, and my promise unto you, if ye do these things. Thus saith the Lord. Amen.