10 February 2019 – The Coming Darkness, Keep the Covenants

Thus saith the Lord, hear and hearken unto my word, for the days grow darker upon the earth, and trials shall come upon the nations. Yet unto you, my faithful, I say: Fear not, but remain steadfast in your faith in my Son, Jesus Christ, for He is your sure foundation, and in Him shall you find peace and safety.

Behold, I call upon you to strengthen your spiritual lives in this hour of need. Yea, let your prayer be constant, for I am ever near to hear the cries of the righteous. Pray without ceasing, in your homes, with your families, and in your secret places. Let your communion with me be unbroken, for in the days of trial, it is by prayer that you shall draw upon my strength.

Study my holy word for therein is the light that shall guide you through the coming darkness. Let the Scriptures dwell richly in your hearts and in your homes, for by them shall you grow in wisdom and in understanding. Yea, gather your families together for worship, that your homes may be filled with my Spirit, and that your children may be taught in righteousness.

Keep the covenants you have made with me, for I, the Lord, do not forget my promises. As you are faithful to your covenants, I will be faithful unto you. Remember to fast and to pray, for in these things is power. Yea, when you fast with a sincere heart, I shall open the heavens unto you and pour out blessings upon you. And do not neglect the law of tithing, for in your obedience shall my work continue, and I shall provide for your needs.

Be quick to forgive, for I, the Lord, have forgiven you. Let not bitterness take root in your hearts, but practice repentance daily, that your hearts may be pure before me. In repentance is found renewal, and in forgiveness is found freedom.

Continue in spiritual education, seeking to grow in knowledge and in faith. Learn of my ways, and prepare yourselves for the days to come. Yea, seek also self-reliance, for in times of trial, you must be prepared to stand firm and care for those I have entrusted to you. Learn to provide for your needs and the needs of your families, for I will bless your efforts and give you wisdom in all things.

Therefore, my people, be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. The darker days shall come, but I am with you. Let your faith shine as a beacon, and let your trust be in me. For I am the Lord your God, and I shall lead you through the storm. Be faithful, and great shall be your reward in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.