1 March 2024 – Ascend to the Mountain of Jehovah

Thus saith the Lord unto my people, hear my voice and heed my counsel, for I call you to ascend unto my holy mountain in quietness and holiness: Behold, I am the Lord your God, and I have set before you a path of sanctification. Yea, I call you to come up higher, to leave behind the noise of the world and the distractions of the flesh, and to ascend in spirit unto my mountain, where I dwell in holiness. For it is in the quiet places, in the stillness of your heart, that you shall find me and be filled with my presence.

Sanctify yourselves, and come before me with clean hands and a pure heart. Lay aside every sin, every weight that holds you down, and seek my face in holiness. For I, the Lord, delight in those who seek me in quietness, who humble themselves before me, and who desire to walk in my ways. Yea, it is in the silence of prayer, in the depth of contemplation, that I reveal myself unto my children.

And I say unto you, sanctify your talents unto me, for I have given them unto you for the good of my holy Church. Behold, every gift you have, every talent you possess, comes from me, and it is for the purpose of building up my kingdom upon the earth. Therefore, use them not for your own glory, nor for the vain pursuits of the world, but consecrate them unto me, and I shall magnify them in your hands.

Whether you have been given talents in teaching, in leadership, in music, in writing, in service, or in any other thing, offer them up unto me in holiness. Use them for the edification of the saints, for the strengthening of the weak, for the spreading of my Gospel, and for the glorification of my name. For when you offer your talents unto me, I shall bless your work and multiply your efforts, and great shall be the fruit of your labours.

Ascend, therefore, unto my mountain in quietness, and let your heart be sanctified in my presence. Seek not the praise of men, but the approval of your God. For I, Jehovah, look upon the heart, and I see the motives and intentions of all men. Let your work be done in purity and love, that it may be acceptable unto me.

And behold, as you sanctify your talents and offer them unto me, I will use you for my holy purposes. You shall be instruments in my hands, and through you, I will accomplish great things. The work you do for my Church, done in quietness and holiness, shall be a light unto many, and it shall bring forth fruit unto eternal life.

Therefore, come unto me with all that you have. Hold nothing back, but offer your gifts, your talents, and your very life unto me in consecration. Ascend unto my mountain, where holiness dwells, and I will fill you with my Spirit. You shall walk in my ways, and I will guide you in all things.

Be ye holy, for I am holy. Sanctify yourselves, and let your lives be a testament of my grace and power. Thus saith the Lord. Amen.