Daily Gratitude – True Spiritual Friends

Today, I am deeply grateful for the blessing of true spiritual friends, companions who uplift and strengthen my journey of faith. These friends encourage me to continue seeking Heavenly Father and live according to His teachings, offering support through challenges and rejoicing with me in times of joy. They remind me of the importance of staying close to the Lord and help me remember my divine potential. True spiritual friends bring light into my life, filling me with gratitude for the companionship we share in striving to follow Christ.

I am reminded of Christ’s words: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) While I may not be called to lay down my life, I feel the call to lift up my friends, just as they lift me. Their kindness, counsel, and faith inspire me to live more like the Saviour each day. I am grateful for these friends who help me grow closer to God, and I pray that I can be a friend who reflects His love and light in their lives.

Morning Prayer
Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the blessing of friends who walk with us in faith, who lift our spirits and strengthen us on the path to Thee. Grant that we may be friends of comfort and counsel, serving one another in Thy love and truth.

Help us to love as Christ loved, in word and deed, that we may be worthy of this sacred bond. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Daily Scriptures
Luke 24; John 1-2; 3 Nephi 23:1-14

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