Behold, I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. In me shall all mankind have life, and that eternally, even they who shall believe on my name; and they shall become my sons and my daughters. (Ether 3:14)
As I was reading today’s verse, I started thinking about how grateful I am for the redeeming sacrifice of the Saviour Jesus Christ. I am reminded that He has loved us since the foundation of the world, even before we were born, and prepared a way for us to return to our Heavenly Father. In this verse the Saviour is speaking directly to us, declaring Himself as our Redeemer and promising eternal life to those who believe on His name. The power and depth of His love fills me with awe, knowing that Christ was willing to take upon Himself our sins and sorrows so that we might find peace, forgiveness, and eternal joy.
Reflecting on the Saviour’s words, I am humbled by His desire for each of us to become His sons and daughters, to draw near to Him and be changed through His love and grace. It is through Christ alone that I have hope of overcoming my weaknesses and enduring through trials, knowing that He understands my struggles and stands ready to strengthen me. This gift of redemption brings peace to my soul and fills me with gratitude, knowing that Jesus Christ gave His life so that I may have eternal life with Him and with those I love. I am grateful for His infinite love and His promise of life everlasting, a promise that reassures me of my divine worth and potential in Him.
Morning Prayer
Lord, I thank Thee for Thy redeeming love which brings us salvation. I am humbled by the sacrifice that was made from the foundation of the world, that we might return to Thee. Help me to hold fast to Thy promise of eternal life and to believe on Thy holy name with all my heart.
Grant me strength to follow Thee, that I may overcome my weaknesses and draw nearer to Thee each day. I am grateful for the peace and hope Thy love brings to my soul. May I be ever mindful of Thy grace, which lifts me and fills my life with joy. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Daily Scriptures
John 9-10; Ether 3:14