As I have sought to follow the Saviour’s teachings, I have learned—sometimes through humbling experiences—that everything I have, and all that I accomplish, comes because of Him.
I recall a time when I worked tirelessly on a project that meant a great deal to me. It required not only my skills and effort but also my heart and soul. When it was completed, others praised the work, and I felt a sense of satisfaction. But as the accolades came, so too did a small voice in my mind that whispered, Remember who gave you this ability. In that moment, I realised how easy it is to slip into pride, to believe that our achievements are solely the result of our own efforts. I turned to prayer, offering heartfelt gratitude to Heavenly Father for blessing me with the talents and opportunities that made the work possible. As I did, I was filled with a sense of peace and clarity. I felt the Spirit testify that every good thing in my life is a gift from the Lord. It was a humbling experience that reminded me of the words in the Book of Mormon: “We will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever.” “I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.” (Alma 26:16; 29:9)
There have been other moments when I have faced challenges that felt insurmountable. During these times, I have been brought to my knees, pleading for Heavenly Father’s guidance and strength. I remember once, when I was tasked with something far beyond my natural ability, I prayed earnestly, acknowledging my weakness and asking for His help. The answer came not as a miraculous transformation of my circumstances, but as small moments of inspiration and an increase of confidence to move forward. In the end, when the task was successfully completed, it was clear to me that the glory belonged to Him, for it was His hand that made it possible.
These experiences have taught me the value of humility. When we give the glory to Heavenly Father, we bring ourselves in line with His divine purposes and invite His continued guidance. Pride, on the other hand, closes the door to these blessings. King Nebuchadnezzar’s story in the Scriptures has always stood out to me. When he failed to recognise the source of his power, the Lord humbled him until he acknowledged God’s sovereignty (see Daniel 4:30-37) I have learned that true strength lies in humbly recognising our dependence on God.
One habit that helps me stay grounded is expressing gratitude in prayer. When I take the time to sincerely thank Heavenly Father for my blessings, I am reminded of my reliance on Him. This practice has brought me joy and strengthened my faith, especially in moments of doubt or difficulty.
I know that humility is a choice we must make daily. It is not always easy, but as we strive to give Heavenly Father the glory, we open our hearts to His influence and prepare ourselves for greater blessings.
I invite everyone to try to consider how we can better acknowledge His hand in our lives and share His love with others. May we all seek to live in such a way that our actions inspire others to glorify our Father in Heaven. As we do, I believe we will feel His Spirit more abundantly, and our lives will be filled with greater peace and purpose.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.