Living the Word – 3 Nephi 12:20

Slowly read the verse, taking time to let the words settle in your heart.

“Therefore come unto me and be ye saved; for verily I say unto you, that except ye shall keep my commandments, which I have commanded you at this time, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” (3 Nephi 12:20)

Take note of how Christ invites us—”Come unto me and be ye saved.” This is a personal call, direct and clear. He is asking us to come unto Him, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world. There is a great promise here: salvation. However, the condition for this promise is equally clear—obedience to His commandments. The Lord’s words leave no ambiguity: without obedience, we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Reflecting on the Message

Pause and reflect on these words. What is the Lord really saying to you personally? Think about the two parts of this verse: the call to come unto Christ and the requirement of obedience.

Christ’s invitation is full of grace, a call to come, to leave behind whatever might be hindering us from fully committing to Him. He stands ready to receive us, to save us. But this coming to Him is not passive. It requires action—obedience to His commandments.

Consider the commandments He has given you in your own life. How well are you living them? The Lord does not ask for perfection, but He does ask for sincere effort. He says “keep my commandments,” not as a burden but as a path to joy and eternal life. His commandments are not arbitrary rules but divine principles designed for our ultimate happiness and well-being.

Reflect deeply on the phrase: “in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” This is a sobering reminder. It emphasises the importance of making sure our lives are in accordance with the Saviour’s teachings. Heaven is not simply a gift handed out indiscriminately; it is a place for those who have chosen to follow Christ through faithful obedience.

Where in your life can you improve your obedience to Christ’s teachings? Where do you feel you are falling short?

Prayerful Response

Turn your reflection into a prayer. Speak openly with Heavenly Father about what you have learned and how you feel. Ask Him for strength to keep His commandments more faithfully. A prayer might go something like this:

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank Thee for the invitation to come unto Thee and be saved. I feel my need for Thy grace and love. Please help me to live more fully in accordance with Thy commandments. Forgive me where I fall short, and give me strength to do better. I desire to enter Thy kingdom and to live in a way that honours Thee. Guide me in my efforts to come closer to Christ each day. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Make this prayer your own. Allow the Spirit to guide your words and express the desires of your heart.


You have read His word, reflected on its meaning, and prayed for guidance. In this moment of stillness, let the Spirit speak to you. Sometimes the answers come in the form of a peaceful feeling, a prompting, or a sense of clarity.

What does it feel like to be invited by Christ? How does it change your view of obedience to think of it as the key to entering His kingdom? Allow these thoughts to settle into your heart without forcing them. Simply be still, knowing that God is with you in this moment.

Living the Word

How can you take what you have learned today and apply it in your life? This is the final step of meditation: action. What specific changes or improvements will you make to align your life with the Saviour’s invitation?

Perhaps it means being more diligent in your Scripture study or prayer. Maybe it is mending a relationship, serving others more actively, or overcoming a particular temptation. Write down one or two concrete actions you will take this week to follow Christ more closely.

Remember, the Lord’s commandments are not burdens but blessings. Obedience leads to joy and peace. Christ has invited you to come unto Him and be saved, and with that invitation comes the promise of eternal life. Let that promise guide your steps as you move forward with faith and trust in Him.

Through this practice, you are not merely studying the Scriptures but allowing it to transform you, to change how you live and who you are becoming. Let Christ’s words shape your thoughts, actions, and heart as you journey toward Him.

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