Continuing the series on establishing Zion in our homes, I wish to briefly explore six pivotal points necessitating comprehension.
1) Foundational Faith
As adherents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, faith in Jesus Christ constitutes the bedrock of our belief system. It entails an unwavering trust and confidence in Jesus as the Saviour of the world, the Son of God, and the recognition of His teachings as the path to salvation. Within your home, anchoring faith as the cornerstone signifies vesting your trust in Christ as the central figure of your familial existence.
2) Adhering to His Teachings
The teachings of Jesus underscore love, compassion, forgiveness, service, and obedience to the Commandments. Actively adhering to His guidance within your household signifies a commitment to living according to the principles of Christ-like love. This entails treating family members and others with kindness, patience, and understanding. It also involves the practice of humility, honesty, and integrity, as espoused by Jesus.
3) Dependence on His Atonement
The Atonement of Jesus Christ constitutes a fundamental doctrine in the scriptures, reflecting that Jesus bore the sins, pains, and sorrows of all humanity. Relying on His Atonement within your home entails a comprehension and application of the concepts of forgiveness and redemption. It entails acknowledging that all individuals err and that, through Christ’s Atonement, forgiveness, healing, and the strength to transform are attainable.
4) Atmosphere of Love
When faith in Jesus Christ underpins your home, it engenders an environment suffused with love. This love transcends mere superficial emotions and assumes the quality of Christ-like love, which seeks the well-being and happiness of others. It necessitates prioritising the needs of your family members over your own and extending this love beyond your domestic boundaries to your wider community.
5) Atmosphere of Peace
Faith in Christ also fosters a sense of peace, predicated on trust that God is ultimately in control, ensuring that all things will ultimately work out for the best. This peace equips your family to navigate the inevitable trials and tribulations of life with determination and hope.
6) Atmosphere of Unity
Through faith in Jesus Christ, your family can attain unity through shared beliefs and values. This unity serves as a potent force for good within your household, signifying that notwithstanding individual disparities and challenges, your family members collaborate harmoniously, supporting and uplifting each other.
In summation, faith in Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of your home is not a mere abstract belief, but a tangible and lived actuality. It necessitates the active implementation of Christ’s teachings in daily life, nurturing an atmosphere of love, peace, and unity. When your family is securely anchored in faith, you cultivate an environment akin to Zion, where Gospel principles are lived, and the Spirit of the Lord finds a dwelling place. This, in turn, can yield a home replete with joy, hope, and a deep sense of purpose.