10 June 2022 – Faithful to Covenants, Obedient to the Commandments

Hearken, O ye children of the Most High, and give ear unto the word of the Lord your God, for thus saith the Lord unto all who seek my face and desire to walk in my ways: Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are they whom I have called from among the nations to be a light unto this world, to keep the covenants which ye have made with me, and to obey the Commandments which I have given.

Behold, blessed are they that walk uprightly before me, for their path shall be as a light that shineth ever brighter until the perfect day. But woe unto the rebellious, unto the proud and disobedient, who turn their hearts from me and seek after the vanities of the world. For they shall be as stubble before the wind, and their end shall be destruction, save they repent and return unto me.

I, the Lord, have established my Law from the beginning, and my words are sure. They who keep my Commandments and honour the covenants which I have established shall be encircled about with my strength and power. They shall not be moved, for I shall be their rock and their refuge in the day of trouble.

And behold, I say unto you, if ye love me, keep my Commandments, and ye shall have peace in your hearts and shall not be confounded. But if ye forsake the covenants ye have made, and if ye turn from the Gospel which I have delivered unto you, behold, the sword of justice hangeth over you, and there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Therefore, be ye faithful in all things. Let your heart be single to my glory, and let your minds be filled with the light of my truth. Walk ye in the ways of righteousness, and I shall pour out blessings upon your heads, yea, blessings that ye shall not have room enough to receive.

Thus saith the Lord your God: Behold, I come quickly to reward every man according to his works. Therefore, endure in faith, be valiant in obedience, and stand fast in the covenant, that ye may inherit the kingdom which is prepared for the righteous from the foundation of the world. Amen.