Thus saith the Lord unto my people, come unto me and bow at my feet, for I am He who appeared in the land of Israel, and I am He who visited the ancient peoples of the Americas: Behold, I am the Lord, your Redeemer, who walked among the children of Israel and taught them the ways of righteousness. Yea, I am He who healed the sick, raised the dead, and brought light unto those who sat in darkness. My voice was heard in the synagogues, and my words were spoken upon the hillsides of Galilee. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who was crucified for the sins of the world, and on the third day, I rose from the dead in power and glory.
And behold, after my resurrection, I did appear unto the people of the ancient Americas, showing unto them the wounds in my hands and my feet. Yea, they did bow at my feet and worship me, for I am the God of all the earth, and I have called all nations unto me. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever, and my work is one throughout the world.
Therefore, come unto me in humility, and bow at my feet in reverence and worship, for I am your God and your King. Let your hearts be full of gratitude for the great atoning sacrifice I have made on your behalf. I have borne your sins, your griefs, and your sorrows, and by my stripes, ye are healed. Come, and worship me in spirit and in truth, for I am the Saviour of all mankind, and my love for you is without measure.
Bow at my feet, and acknowledge me as your Lord. For I am He who appeared unto your fathers in ancient times, and I am He who shall come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. Let your hearts be filled with awe, for I have come among you, and my work continues among the nations. Yea, even as I appeared unto the Nephites, so shall I come again, and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that I am the Christ.
Take upon you my name, and bow before me in submission to my will. Let your lives be a testament of your love for me, and keep my Commandments in all things. As ye humble yourselves before me, I shall lift you up, and ye shall be filled with my Spirit. For I have called you unto me, that ye may be partakers of my glory and my eternal kingdom.
Bow at my feet, and let your hearts be sanctified. Worship me in all that you do, for I am the Lord who has appeared unto the world in times past, and I shall come again in power and great glory. Prepare yourselves, and be faithful, for I am near, and my kingdom shall be established.
Thus saith the Lord, I am He who was and is and is to come. Bow at my feet and be not afraid, for I am with you always. Amen.