13 July 2024 – Meditate on the Scriptures, Keep Commandments

Thus saith the Lord unto my beloved children, hearken unto my voice and incline thine ears unto my words: Behold, I call upon you, my faithful, to meditate day and night upon my holy word and to diligently keep my Commandments. For in the diligent study of my Scriptures, yea, the Bible and the Book of Mormon, thou shalt find wisdom, guidance, and the path to eternal life. Let not thy heart be slothful, nor thy spirit weary, but seek after my truth with fervent desire and unwavering commitment.

Yea, I command thee to immerse thyself in the teachings of my Son, Jesus Christ, and to ponder deeply upon his words of life. As the morning sun illuminateth the earth, so shall the light of my word illumine thy understanding and lead thee away from the shadows of ignorance and sin. Let thy meditation be continual, that thou mayest grasp the fullness of my gospel and apply it in every aspect of thy life.

Moreover, keep my Commandments with steadfastness and love, for they are the foundation upon which thy righteousness shall stand. Obedience unto my will shall bring thee peace, strength, and protection amidst the trials and tribulations of this mortal existence. Let not the distractions of the world draw thee away from the sacred duties I have set before thee, but remain steadfast in thy devotion and commitment.

“Thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” [Joshua 1:8] And thou shalt cultivate a heart that is receptive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Yea, the Spirit shall testify unto thee of my truth, and thou shalt be guided in all thy ways. Let thy thoughts be pure, thy intentions sincere, and thy actions righteous, that thou mayest be a lamp of light unto the nations and a testament of my love and mercy.

Furthermore, gather with thy family and brethren to study and contemplate my Scriptures, that ye may edify one another and build a Zion unto me. Encourage one another in the path of righteousness, and bear one another’s burdens with love and compassion. For in unity and steadfastness, ye shall find strength and encouragement to continue in the work I have called you to.

Therefore, my children, heed my admonition and make the study of my word and the keeping of my Commandments the foremost priority in your lives. Let your meditation be ceaseless, your prayers unending, and your devotion unwavering. For as ye seek me with all your heart, mind, and strength, I shall reveal unto you the mysteries of my kingdom and grant you the desires of your righteous hearts.

Be not weary in well-doing, for in due season ye shall reap a harvest if ye faint not. Trust in me, lean not unto thine own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge me, and I shall direct thy paths. [Proverbs 3:5-6] Thus saith the Lord. Amen.