5 December 2023 – Reading, Studying, and Contemplating

Thus saith the Lord unto my people, hear my voice and hearken unto my counsel: Behold, I admonish you to practice daily the reading, studying, and contemplating of my Holy Scriptures, even the Bible and the Book of Mormon. For in these sacred writings is found the word of life, and through them shall you come to know my will and my ways. Yea, they are given to guide you in righteousness and to reveal unto you the path that leads to eternal life.

Let not a day pass wherein you do not open the pages of these holy books. Study them with a sincere heart and a humble mind, that you may receive understanding from my Spirit. Contemplate the truths therein, and let them sink deep into your hearts, for they are the foundation upon which your faith must rest.

And I say unto you, be diligent in daily prayer, for prayer is the means by which you commune with me, your Heavenly Father. Let your prayers be offered in faith, with thanksgiving, and with a heart willing to obey. Seek my guidance, my comfort, and my strength, for I am ever near to those who call upon me.

As you pray and study daily, you shall be strengthened against the temptations and trials that come. Your hearts shall be enlightened, and your spirits shall grow in wisdom and understanding. Yea, by these practices, you shall draw nearer to me, and I will draw nearer to you.

Do not neglect this counsel, for it is essential to your spiritual growth and to your ability to withstand the challenges of this life. The adversary seeks to lead you away from the truth, but as you anchor yourselves in my word and in prayer, you shall be immovable and steadfast in your faith.

Therefore, my beloved, be faithful in these daily devotions, for they are the lifeblood of your spiritual strength. I, the Lord, will bless you as you heed my word, and you shall find peace, joy, and understanding through your consistent study and prayer. Be diligent, and you shall not fall. Amen.