18 January 2020 – Plague Continues, Churches Closed

(This is an obvious reference to Covid-19 as it was previously prophesied.)

Thus saith the Lord, hear my words, for I know the hearts of men, and their devices are not hidden from me: Behold, the current plague will continue to spread quickly, and the nations shall be sorely afflicted. But I, the Lord, see how the powers of men, even those in high places, shall use this calamity for their own advantage. They shall seek to control, to deceive, and to bring the people into submission by fear. They shall manipulate the suffering of many to further their own ambitions, and they shall think themselves secure in their schemes.

But know this, my people: I, the Lord, shall not be mocked. The wickedness of men in power shall not go unpunished. Yea, I have seen their plots, and I will bring their deeds into judgment. They shall reap what they have sown, and none shall escape the day of reckoning that is to come. For I, the Lord, am a just God, and I shall repay according to their works.

Yet, unto thee, my faithful, I say: Fear not. Though the disease ravages the land, and though the powers of men conspire against thee, press on in the work to which I have called thee. Be not discouraged when the churches close their doors, for I am not bound by walls of stone or mortar. Yea, the hearts of the faithful shall be my dwelling place, and my Spirit shall be with thee, even in the darkest of times.

Continue in thy faith, and let not the actions of the wicked shake thee. I have called thee to proclaim the Gospel of my Son, Jesus Christ, and to declare the truths of the Holy Scriptures, even the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Let not this time of trial silence thy voice, for my word shall go forth, and no power of men or pestilence shall prevail against it.

Be strong and of good courage, for I am with thee. Though the world may shake and the hearts of men may fail them, my purpose shall stand, and my people shall endure. Trust in me, and know that I am the Lord thy God, and I shall deliver thee. Amen.