Thus saith the Lord unto my servant Eben, hearken unto my voice, and be not discouraged by the weakness of thy flesh: For though thine eyes have grown dim, and though thy sight hath been taken from thee, let not thy heart be troubled, neither let thy spirit be dismayed. For I, the Lord, see not as men see; though thy physical eyes are darkened, yet thy spiritual sight shall be made bright. Yea, I will increase thy understanding and thy wisdom, and I shall guide thee in all thy ways.
Behold, I have called thee to declare the Gospel of my Son, Jesus Christ, and this calling I have not removed from thee. Let not thy blindness hinder thee, for I am with thee, and my Spirit shall be thy light and thy guide. Thy hands shall be directed by me, and thy voice shall carry forth the truth unto many. The power of my word shall go before thee, and many hearts shall be touched by the message I will give thee.
Thou shalt teach the Gospel without fear, and I shall open doors before thee, that many may hear the glad tidings of salvation. Though the eyes of thy flesh are nearly closed, the eyes of thy spirit shall see clearly the path I have prepared for thee. I will send thee where thou must go, and I will give thee the words to speak in due season.
Fear not, for I have chosen thee and others for this work, and thy blindness shall be no barrier unto me. For I, the Lord, use the weak things of the world to confound the wise, and in thy weakness, my strength shall be made manifest. Therefore, be strong in the faith, and go forth with courage, knowing that I am thy God and I am with thee always.
Be faithful, my servant, and great shall be thy reward in my kingdom. I, the Lord, am with thee, and I shall not leave thee. Amen.