Thus saith the Lord unto my people, consider the strength of your homes and the foundation upon which they are built: When you strive to walk in my Commandments, teaching your children to love the Lord with all their heart, might, mind, and strength, you invite my Spirit to dwell richly in your midst. Your home shall become a holy place, a sanctuary where I am present, and where my peace shall abide.
Behold, a home established upon faith in my Son, Jesus Christ, is like a city set upon a hill, which cannot be hidden. The light of your love, your devotion, and your obedience to the Gospel shall shine forth, and the adversary shall have no power within your walls. The Spirit of the Lord shall be as a shield round about you, and in your home there shall be joy, hope, and a deep sense of purpose.
For as you cultivate an atmosphere of faith, where prayer is constant, the Scriptures are studied, and love abounds, you shall build up a portion of Zion within your household. Yea, your home shall be a place where my presence is felt, and where the hearts of your family are bound together in unity and strength. The trials of the world may rage outside, but within your home, there shall be peace, and your children shall be taught in the ways of righteousness.
Therefore, let your homes be places where my Spirit can dwell. Let your faith be firm, your prayers unceasing, and your hearts humble before me. Teach my Gospel principles daily, that your children may grow in truth and wisdom. As you do this, your home will be blessed with the joy that comes from living according to my word, and you shall have hope in the promises I have given.
Press forward in faith, and let your home become a lamp, a refuge from the storm, and a place where Zion is established in this latter day. I, the Lord, will be with you, and I shall bless you with all that you stand in need of. Amen.