Thus saith the Lord unto thee, my servant, Eben: Behold, I am preparing thee for a great work, a gathering that is of divine purpose. I have chosen thee to assemble with a community of my people, a family of Saints who are faithful to my Commandments.
Know this: I have called thee not merely to be an observer in this gathering, but to be an active participant in the building of Zion upon the earth. This family of Saints is a manifestation of my grace and mercy, a collection of souls who have answered the call to follow me and keep my Commandments. Each member of this community is precious in my sight, and they have been gathered for a purpose greater than themselves.
I have seen the faithfulness of many among them, and their hearts are turned toward me. They strive to live according to my word, and they seek to uphold the values of my kingdom. Therefore, I prepare thee to join with them, that together ye may strengthen one another in faith and love. In this assembly, ye shall find companionship, encouragement, and a spirit of unity that is pleasing unto me.
Know this, that I am fully aware of thy physical disabilities and the challenges they present. Although at times thou mayest find it difficult to meet with the community of Saints, do not let thy heart be troubled, for I am with thee in all thy circumstances. Understand that the essence of fellowship and communion transcends physical presence. Though the body may be weak, the spirit is strong, and my love for thee is not diminished by thy limitations. I have placed thee in a unique position to contribute to my kingdom, and even when thou art unable to gather with the Saints, thy spirit can still connect with theirs through prayer, love, and the bond of faith.
Verily, I say unto thee, there will be moments when thou mayest feel isolated or distant from the community, but take heart. For in those times, remember that I am always near. I dwell within thee, and my Spirit shall comfort and strengthen thee. When thou feelest unable to engage in person, I call upon thee to continue lifting up the community in prayer, interceding on their behalf, and seeking my guidance for them. In thy prayers, thou art joined with them in spirit, and thy voice shall be heard in the heavens.
Moreover, thy disabilities do not diminish the contributions thou canst make. I have gifted thee with wisdom, insight, and the ability to write, and I urge thee to utilize these gifts in service to my people. Let thy writings be a source of encouragement and strength, reaching out to those who may also feel the weight of physical burdens. Share thy experiences, thy faith, and thy understanding of my word, for in doing so, thou shalt inspire others who are facing their own challenges.
I have created a body of believers, and each member has a role to play, including thee. Even when the physical body may be weak, the spirit remains vibrant and capable of great things. As thou art unable to meet in person, consider exploring means to connect with thy community in other ways—be it through letters, messages, or calls, that the bond of fellowship may be maintained and strengthened.
Remember, my servant, that I am ever mindful of thy needs and limitations. I do not overlook thy desire to be present with my people, nor do I disregard the sacrifices thou hast made in the name of love and service. Even in your absence, I shall use thee for my glory, and thy faithfulness shall bear fruit in the lives of those around thee.
Therefore, take comfort in knowing that though there may be times when thou art unable to gather physically, thou art still an integral part of this family of Saints. Thy prayers and support shall connect within their hearts, and they shall feel thy presence in spirit. I am calling thee to this community, and I shall sustain thee in all thy endeavours, both seen and unseen.
Be not disheartened by thy physical limitations, for I am with thee always, guiding thee and providing for thee in every circumstance. Trust in my plan and know that thou art never alone.
Be mindful, my servant, of the gifts that I have bestowed upon thee. Thy talents and experiences shall be a blessing to this community, and I call upon thee to share them generously. Speak the words of truth and life that I have placed within thee. Lift them up, even as they lift thee, and let your mutual faith become a wellspring of strength for all.
In this assembly, ye shall learn from one another, and I shall impart wisdom and revelation through the fellowship of the Saints. Always be open to the promptings of my Spirit, for I shall guide thee in thy interactions and in the service that I have prepared for thee. Encourage one another in righteousness, and strengthen the weak among you. For the days ahead may bring challenges, but together, ye shall be fortified and find refuge in one another.
As you come together, remember that your unity is a testament to my love and a reflection of the oneness I desire for my people. I have called thee to be a light among this family of Saints, shining brightly in a world that is often darkened by doubt and despair. Let your actions and words be a source of hope and inspiration, that others may see my glory reflected in your lives.
In this gathering, ye shall also be reminded of the covenant you have made with me. Hold fast to my Commandments and encourage one another to remain steadfast in your faith. For I, the Lord, am with you in this endeavour, and I shall bless your efforts as ye seek to serve me and to uplift one another.
Prepare thy heart for this assembly, for it is not by chance that I have called thee to be among this community of Saints. You are an integral part of the work I am doing in the world, and through you, I shall accomplish great things. Trust in my plan, and take joy in the blessings that await you as you join with my faithful people.
This is my word unto thee: Go forth and embrace this opportunity. Be a faithful steward of the gifts I have given, and let your life be a testimony of my love and truth among the Saints. Amen.