4 March 2010 – Proclaim Commandments and Gospel

And behold, the voice of the Lord came unto Eben: Arise and go forth, for I have chosen thee to be a herald of my word among the children of men through thy writing. Proclaim the Commandments of Jehovah, that they may walk in righteousness and truth.

Teach the Gospel of my Son, Jesus Christ, who hath laid down His life for all, that through Him they might find redemption. Let the people know of the love I have for them, and how I desire that they should love one another as He hath loved them.

Caution them against the snares of the adversary, for in these last days, many shall be led astray by the doctrines of men. Let thine heart be steadfast and thy courage unwavering, for I shall be with thee in thy labours.

Lift up thy voice like a trumpet; declare unto all nations the good tidings of salvation. For the day of the Lord draweth nigh, and every soul shall stand before me to answer for their deeds.

Let thy words be filled with the spirit of prophecy and revelation, that they may penetrate the hearts of those who hear. And in thy teaching, let there be power, for it is the power of my Spirit that shall accompany thee.

Thus saith the Lord: go forth and fulfil thy calling, for I have equipped thee with all that is necessary to accomplish the work I have given thee. Be faithful and diligent, and thou shalt see the fruits of thy labour in the lives of those whom thou shalt teach. Amen.