17 June 2006 – The Law and the Commandments

Thus saith the Lord unto all the children of men: Forget not My Law, neither forsake My Commandments, which I have given unto thee from the beginning. Yea, even the Commandments given unto My servant Moses upon the mount are holy, and they shall endure forever. They are a light unto thy path and a shield against the darkness that seeketh to overtake thee.

Behold, I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. My Law changeth not, for it is eternal and perfect. The Commandments I gave unto Moses were written by My finger, and they were given for thy good, that thou mightest live righteously and inherit eternal life. Yea, I gave unto Moses My Law that thou shouldst have no other gods before Me, that thou shouldst not make unto thee any graven image to worship, nor take My name in vain. I commanded thee to remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, and to honour thy father and thy mother. Thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, and thou shalt not covet. These Commandments are given for all generations, and none shall set them aside, for they are My covenant with thee.

But hear now the voice of Jehovah: Many have forgotten My Law and have turned away from My Commandments. They seek after their own ways and walk in paths of destruction. They justify their transgressions and say in their hearts, “The Law is no more; we need not follow the Commandments of old.” But I say unto you, My Law standeth as a witness against all who forsake it. It is by My Commandments that ye shall be judged, and in the day of judgment, none shall escape the reckoning of My word.

Therefore, return unto Me and keep My Commandments, for they are the foundation of righteousness. Yea, they are the Law of love, and by them ye shall show your love for Me and for your fellow man. Love Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, might, mind, and strength, and love thy neighbour as thyself. Upon these two great commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.

Think not that My Commandments have been done away, for they are everlasting. [Matthew 5:17] And I, the Lord, do not give unto you Commandments for a time, only to cast them aside. They are for thy good and for the ordering of thy life. If ye keep My Law, ye shall prosper in the land, and I shall bless thee with peace, both in this life and in the life to come, and you shall be called great in the kingdom. [Matthew 5:19]

But if ye forget My Commandments and walk contrary to My Law, behold, ye shall bring upon yourselves sorrow and destruction. For I will not bless those who wilfully transgress My word. The earth mourneth because of the iniquities of men, for they have forgotten My statutes and have turned unto their own desires.

Therefore, I call upon thee now to remember my Commandments, even as I gave them unto Moses. Let them be written upon the tablets of thy heart, and let them guide thy every action. In keeping My Law, there is life, and in obedience, there is joy. Yea, I am the Lord thy God, and My words are sure. Blessed are they who hear my Commandments and do them, for they shall find rest unto their souls and peace in my presence.

Remember My Law, and forsake it not. Amen.