Thus saith the Lord unto Eben, forget not the Sabbath, for it is a sacred day ordained from the foundation of the world. Remember, I have spoken to thee concerning this matter, and on January 14 [1998], I did provide thee with an answer in my voice. Hearken unto my words and keep the Sabbath holy, for it is part of the eternal covenant that I have made with my people.
The Sabbath is a day of rest, a day set apart for worship, reflection, and renewal. On this day, turn thy heart fully unto me and refrain from the labours and distractions of the world, that ye may focus on the things of the Spirit. Honour this day as a sign of thy commitment to my Commandments, for in so doing, ye shall be blessed and strengthened.
I remind thee that the Sabbath is an eternal principle. It is a covenant between me and my people, a day to remember the works of my hands, to give thanks for my blessings, and to draw nearer unto me.
Neglect not this commandment, for as thou art faithful in keeping the Sabbath, I will pour out blessings upon thee, both spiritual and temporal. Let the Sabbath be a delight unto thee, a day of peace, worship, and holy reflection. Amen.