3 December 1996 – Hold to the Iron Rod

Thus saith the Lord, hold fast to the iron rod, which is my word, and be not swayed by the temptations and distractions of the world. For the path to eternal life is straight and narrow, and the adversary worketh continually to lead you away into the mists of darkness. But behold, my word is a sure guide, and as long as ye cling to it, ye shall not be led astray.

The iron rod is the word of God, yea, it is the truth found in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the words of my servants, the prophets. It is given unto you as a lifeline, that ye may walk the path of righteousness and avoid the dangers that beset you on every side. Let your grip upon it be firm, and let nothing cause you to loosen your hold.

For I say unto you, many will try to pull you away. The pleasures of the world, the allurements of wealth and power, and even the pressures of false teachings will seek to lead you from the path I have set. But I, the Lord, am stronger than all the forces that oppose you, and I will guide and protect you if ye but hold fast to my word.

In the vision given to my servant Lehi, the iron rod led safely through the midst of darkness and confusion, yea, even through the temptations of the great and spacious building, where the prideful did mock and scorn those who walked in righteousness. Behold, I say unto thee, ye too shall face mocking and scorn as ye cling to the truths I have revealed. But let not the voices of the proud and the rebellious cause you to falter.

Press forward with faith, holding fast to the word of God, and ye shall partake of the fruit of the tree of life, which is the love of God and eternal life in my presence. The way is not always easy, and the road may be steep and narrow, but as long as ye hold firm to the iron rod, ye shall not fall.

I have called thee to a great work, and this work requires steadfastness and diligence. Ye cannot accomplish the task before thee without being anchored in my word. Let it be your constant companion, for the day will come when ye shall face great trials and challenges, and only those who hold fast to the iron rod shall stand.

Be not afraid of what lies ahead, for as ye hold fast to my word, I will be thy strength and thy shield. Study the Scriptures with all diligence, both the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and apply them to thy life daily. Let the Commandments guide thy footsteps, and I shall lead thee to the fulfilment of the work I have prepared for thee.

Thus saith the Lord, hold fast to the iron rod, and ye shall find joy, peace, and the strength to endure unto the end. Amen.