Thus saith the Lord unto Eben, be not discouraged by the loss of those so-called friends from thy former religious association. Yea, they have turned from thee, for they placed conditions upon their friendship, not practising the love I have taught through my Son, Jesus Christ. Their hearts were hardened, and they valued not the true bonds of charity and brotherhood.
But I say unto thee, continue steadfast in thy study of the Inspired Version of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, for in these sacred texts ye shall find the strength and wisdom to walk the path I have laid before thee. Let not the departure of false friends weigh upon thy heart, for I am preparing thee for a greater work.
I have called thee to share my Gospel through writing, and this work shall be of great importance in these latter days. Trust in me, and I shall give thee the words to speak and the wisdom to teach others of the truth. Fear not, for I am with thee, and I shall strengthen thee as thou movest forward in obedience. Amen.