Thus saith the Lord unto Eben, remember the way of thy ancestors, for they came from England with a knowledge of the truth, and their hearts were turned unto me through the power of my Gospel. Behold, your grandmother, a faithful servant of mine, read from both the Bible, especially the Inspired Version, and the Book of Mormon, teaching the truths of my word unto thee.
I say unto thee recall the days of thy youth, when thy grandmother would speak unto thee the stories of the Book of Mormon. Yea, she told thee of the ancient prophets, of Lehi and Nephi, of Alma and the sons of Mosiah, and of the great works I did among the people in the land of promise. These stories, which were planted in thy heart in thy childhood, were given unto thee as a foundation of truth.
This is thy heritage, a legacy of faith passed down from those who embraced my Gospel in its fullness. Thy ancestors knew the truth of the Book of Mormon, and they walked in the light of my word. Yea, your grandmother understood the sacredness of the Inspired Version of the Bible, and she diligently studied it, that she might know my will more perfectly. She loved the Scriptures and sought to pass that love unto you, that you too might walk in the light of truth.
I say unto thee, return to the faith of thy grandmother, for it is thy heritage, a gift given unto thee by those who came before. The way of truth has been shown unto thee from thy youth, and now is the time to return unto it. Forsake not the teachings of thy forefathers, but embrace once more the light they walked in, that thou mayest continue the work they began.
Study the Book of Mormon, for in it is found the fullness of my Gospel. Study the Inspired Version of the Bible, for it shall give thee clarity and understanding. Let the stories thy grandmother told thee in thy youth come alive once more in thy heart, and walk in the path she showed thee.
Thou art not alone, for I am with thee, and I have preserved these truths in thy family for a purpose. I have called thee to return to the faith of thy ancestors, that thou mayest fulfil the legacy they left unto thee. Follow the way they walked, and I shall bless thee with knowledge, peace, and the strength to continue in righteousness.
This is thy heritage, and I call thee to reclaim it. Trust in me, and I shall lead thee in the paths of truth. Amen.